North Korea has "entered" war with South Korea

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Mrlegitislegit, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Why did the chicken cross the road ?
  2. Ok. I am beginning to get sick of all the memes, images and comments on this thread. They could be potentially racist or discriminative. Yes, their government my seem a bit crazy but does that mean you can go around posting memes? How would all the people in the US like it if I went around posting images about how they are all idiots and have a terrible education system because of the obesity rate or the lack of gun Laws? For all we know the main person in the north Korean government(not Kim jong-um btw) could have some kind of mental condition that makes he or she want to nuke the planets military powerhouse. They are all humans like you and I. So is it fair that we think we should just go think we should nuke the entire country? No.

    This thread is about news of the happenings in north Korea, not a place to post racist or discrminative pictures or comments.

    I just typed that all up on an iPod. My thumb hurts so bad now. But that proves I really want to make my point.
  3. Ok before you go posting on this "NO THIS IS WWIII", or "THEY HAVE NUKE WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE", read this. Obviously the majority of users on the internet classify a World War as a big, long war where a lot of people die. Not true. It is a War that involves the whole World. This war would only involve NK, SK, US, and their allies. If NK goes around nuking everyone, then it will be WWIII. Also, just because they have a nuke does not mean they can hit a major city. The missiles NK has positioned for launching on the east coast are Musudan missiles. They are intermediate range. Here is a pic of the different Korean missiles and their range:
    L0tad likes this.
  4. But is it so wrong to hate one race, just despise it, and simply wish it did not exist.

    BTW, Missiles are scheduled to take off today, Japan and US artillery are loaded on the SK/Japanese coast. China is considering cooperation the US.

    Anyone heard news out of the Mid east, just wondering?
  5. Thank god that the missile launch isn't today. Today is my birthday, and I really wouldn't like a nuclear missile for a present.
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  7. Uhh last time i looked People posted all over the internet how Americans are fat stupid and ugly. I cant get on 9gag, imgur, wtf ever the others are called Chan some crap, with out seeing an American get made fun of.

    P.S i love my guns infact if i didnt have them how would i hunt deer to eat!? madness i tell you.

    P.s.S about the memes

    Its just a dang picture have some fun -__- Were not making fun of NK citizens were making fun of Kimmy....
  8. It's all just a late night example :p But Kim Jong-Un is a person like you. Would you want the whole internet making fun of you for something you do?
  9. I see what you did there:p
    Twitch1 likes this.
  10. You do have a point........
    mba2012 likes this.
  11. I feel much more worse making Bad Luck Brian memes than i do Kim memes. I think it is ok to make fun of people who bring it upon themselves, like the Kardashians or Lindsey Lohan. Most of the time, Kim Jung memes arent that popular. But when he thrusts himself into the focus of the world, i think it is ok.
    Pab10S likes this.
  12. I'm sorry but......
    Dat Signature :3
    jkjkjk182 and mba2012 like this.
  13. DogsRNice likes this.
  14. Also note it could potentially mutate alot of species and they would predate on the remaining humans, therefore making it even harder to survive.
  15. To me Kim jong un is not a person, he is a monster who thinks himself a God. Why would i try to start a global war with anyone? no i wouldnt. As for the whole internet making fun of me why would i give a crap considering over half of my school made fun of me and people still do. It wouldnt hurt my feelings ive been called fat stupid retarded, ugly etc.... ive learned not to give a (insert word of choice here) about what other people think of me im pretty sure Kim who gives a crap, really cares that a bunch of people are making fun of him.
  16. I've learned not to give a crap about what people think about me too :D

    It makes walking around in public so much easier. Kind of miss that feeling of 'Holy crap...What does that dude think of me over there? Oh my god, it's that kid from school I have to look normal' though... Meh. It was annoying.
  17. See. This proves that they may be able to hit the U.S. You can do basically anything if you look into it properly. A high altitude missile attack is quite easy, just launch the missile straight up and then let it cruise towards the U.S Mainland.
    SoulPunisher likes this.