Bump! Jay2a and 607 already helping, if anyone else is also interested in helping some way just let me know
A little video I made of what the game is so far and some of the art from jay2a, VERY VERY VERY ALPHA FYI A LOT OF IT WILL BE CHANGED I KNOW THE MAIN CHARACTER IS UGLY OK ITS MY OWN ART SKILLS WHICH ARE BAD
Sure, do you have any ideas of items or mechanics to add to the game, do you know any Unity5/C# code? If you have a can be a useful asset then please send me a message, Im willing to pay loads of rupees and promos for help. At the moment I mainly need help with ideas and story of how the game will work. Jay2a is my main artist as of now, and 607 might be doing something with the music not sure
Also, if you have any sprites that you sort of like but feel could be better, I'd be happy to refine them for you.
You can give it a go and see if it turns out well. I mainly need ideas and mechanic ideas for the game and music/sound effects
whenever I get the time im going to be making some games too, but online stuff. But I'm going with HTML5 stuff, but heres some resources I've found in research lately: Sounds will be covered nicely: Sounds: http://superflashbros.net/as3sfxr/ http://sfbgames.com/chiptone/?s=eNp...g-iHdL4boJodY0vBiA6RZkxE0TX_wdB-f-RMxgAcF5AdA.. Atlas Sprites: http://www.joshmorony.com/how-to-create-animations-in-phaser-with-a-texture-atlas/ http://www.leshylabs.com/apps/sstool/ http://opengameart.org/ Tile Editor: http://www.mapeditor.org/ Dart Phaser: https://github.com/playif/play_phaser Sprites: http://www.aseprite.org/ Multiple platforms deployment http://ionicframework.com/ Box2D Editor https://www.iforce2d.net/rube/ Phaser MegaBundle https://gumroad.com/l/sANMj/bundle Light Engine: http://phaser.io/news/2015/10/phaser-plus-illuminated Examples: https://github.com/dart-lang/sample-pop_pop_win/tree/master/lib https://github.com/xicombd/phaser-multiplayer-game/blob/master/public/js/game.js