My villagers are not breeding?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Halaeon, Jan 18, 2018.

  1. Hey so I'm new to this server and I set up a infinite villager breeder in town. I don't think I messed up the design, so I was just wondering if there was a plugin that prevented villager breeding or if villager breeding have different procedures from vanilla. Thanks!
  2. EMC does not have many plugins. Only a few like Fast Async World Edit, Multiverse Core and a couple others. The rest are custom-coded. As for villager breeding, I am too lazy to get the exact link right now, but you can see the differences between EMC and Vanilla Minecraft here.
  3. Welcome to the Empire!

    Be sure to check out the rest of these forums, or "EMC 2.0" as I often like to call it, because there's also plenty of good information & fun to be found here.

    I'll see if I can hop over to have a peek but this immediately begs the question: how old is this design?

    Sydney already covered the basics (EMC is a very "vanilla'ish" server), but the thing is: there are a lot of old and obsolete villager farm designs out there. You see, villager behavior has changed over the years (I don't know in which update) and in order to get a villager to breed it now also has to be "willing". The main triggers are: has traded recently or has enough food in his inventory (bread, carrots or potatoes). See also this wiki page.

    But yeah: there are no plugins which prevent any of this.

    My guess is that you're using an older design which doesn't account for the willingness factor.

    I'll see if I can hop over and have a look later.
  4. keep in mind a res has a max ent count of 100. So if your res has 100 mobs no more will spawn. The spawners can also be very slow.
    mjnoe70 likes this.
  5. I was going to note what Finch stated... EMC does have some different rules on proximity as well for different things to occur, even if you are AFKing. First, you do have to be afk/present (or some player or alt) at that spot to foster breeding of anything. That is a typical minecraft thing though so it may be location of the afk...

    I basically had to set up my afk area at the center of my villager farms and breeder (y axis is unimportant) so I was standing on top of everything else with layers of activity going on below me. It coudl be done above also, but they could not get more than these limits from me or they would not continue to function for gathering, farming and breeding.

    Mobs, animals, and items that are not in water are frozen if you (anyone) are not within the following amount of blocks from them:
    • Town: 12 blocks for animals; 16 blocks for monsters and villagers
    • Wild: 12 blocks for animals; 18 blocks for monsters and villagers
    The full list of changes from vanilla to help with lag are at
    Hope this helps.
  6. About a year ago I spent a week or so trying out different designs to see what worked on EMC and what didn't. After lots of tinkering I was able to make something that works without issue and has been working ever since.

    Things like only having 1 of the 4 breeding villagers as a brown coat in the breeding area seems to work best. I know not everyone has one but using a Utopia res is the best also since there is more room on the res and far less likely that a neighbours res has doors that are messing up the 'village'. I also find that if you position yourself (or an alt if you have it) under the center of the farm a few blocks under it, this keep all the villagers moving at normal speed since they would always be in activation range.

    Not sure if this is absolutely necessary (I just do it anyways) but I like to create a water channel to move the babies 64+ blocks away from the farm so that it doesn't stop producing. It should only stop producing if no one is on the res OR you've hit the mob cap limit.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  7. I promised I'd have a look see, and I did.

    Your setup is working flawlessly:

    As you can see your villagers are getting into the "willing state" so it's only a matter of time before they breed. So right now I think that your problem is the lack of players. See: when you're offline then the chunk (area) your residence is on will get unloaded and all activities on that area stop from there on. Unless there's actually a player in the area then no activities will happen on your residence.

    Another issue is "entity activation". Even if you are on your residence then this is no guarantee that your entities (mobs such as villagers, cows, sheep, etc.) will also be actually active. You have to be within a certain distance. The link which mjnoe70 shared above explains this in better detail (I left out some irrelevant parts):

    So I'm convinced that your problem is most likely caused by the activation range or your missing presence on your residence. And I can somewhat back up my claim because guess what happened just now:

    Congratulations, it's a boy villager! :)
  8. :O You're a miracle worker Shel, thanks <3
    I was afking next to the farm for an hour and none of them produced any villagers, even though they entered willing stage very often. Perhaps I was afking in a bad spot. Thanks so much!
  9. MCSaw likes this.
  10. Just build a little path under or say a bridge over and afk in the center of that farm area and you'll get yourselves some newbees... However, you'll find mixed results on numbers and output. 1 hour may be 3 one day and 0 another. I have afk'd for several hours several times with no new villagers. Even when making sure to have more than 1 farmer (all brown coat) villagers. I generally started with 4, 3 farmers and one non-farmer. I also replaced farmers on occassion as it seemed that eventually they would not "work the ground" anymore. Without food the entire process stopped.

    Likely, where you did your afk, the villagers end up reaching out of your range and just stood there. Once that happens no more growth. This could happen if just the farmer(s) got out of range to, which is more likely when they are trying to gather wheat (food) for them and others.