Aye, my wit of debate derailment has failed me xD That's on me, I was just getting overconfident. I'm sorry about that. Truth is, the IRS probably did target conservatives. The link has zero proof that Obama had anything to do with that, sadly. I don't think I'm doing this debate any favors with my lack of research skills, so I'm gonna pull out as well. EDIT: we both said this
This is simply untrue. If you have a second child nowadays, you don't just get no state support -- you also pay a fine. Forced abortions / infanticide only stopped (officially) in 2002.
I'm pretty conservative but try to be reasonable. A few things: Bush deserves a lot of the credit for Middle Eastern destabilization, as do the Middle Easterners themselves. Yes his foreign policy has been way too timid, but Iraq was a genuinely bad idea. Again, a lot of that debt was Bush's fault. He took a balanced budget and wrecked it. Under Obama it became much, much worse but... you know, the responsibility falls mostly on Congress, actually -- neither Georgie or Barack have a ton to do with it. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about with the secret files but it's definitely not true, if you are talking about the NSA, again shame on Obama for not stopping it but it started long before him. To be fair that's only 3 presidents.
So we went from the Iran nuke deal to Russia invading the Ukraine, from modern time to WW2 with nazi-Germany, from foreign policy to Chinese women having abortions. Empire Minecraft debates for you.
There is a lot of straying from topic here but after pages of arguments about conspiracy theories and claiming things are facts that no one in the world could possibly know and make no sense at all, I think I will just stick to the Iran nuclear program thing. Sanctions on any country to prevent them from developing technologically is immoral, you can say that's my opinion but in my opinion that is pretty obvious. Tyranny is what you call that no matter what your intentions. North Korea was a big deal for the past two to three years and now you don't hear anything about them for the most part. Truth of the matter is: it does NOT matter who has nuclear weapons. The UN/US coalition of tyrannical police forces have the ability to monitor any major military or resource movements. The technology to shoot down or otherwise neuter any ICBM, nuclear or not, making countries that are EXPERIMENTING with such technology similar to indigineous peoples of south america shooting bow and arrows at our helicopters. North Korea can be very scary in the fact that they have the largest artillery force in the world pointed at one of the most populated areas of the world. What they would need a nuclear weapon for is beyond me when they can basically drop a giant rock on the heart and soul(seoul pun) of south korea. That whole scare had other implications, mostly money as is usually true of anything you see in the "media." Iran developing nuclear weapons? Convincing me that Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons would be a feat in futility. If you go around saying, "ERRR, bruh, I got some cool bombs." Then the the global police force is going to be coming looking for a way to make money off it, be it through sanctions, acquisition or inciting of violence.
The only leverage North Korea has is its WMD program and it's 10,000 artillery batteries. The latter is only in place to check aggression by South Korea and the US. One false move and twenty-five thousand will be dead within 3 minutes - double that in 5 minutes - from a massive strike on Seoul. It does little to deter threats like Japan. Having a nuclear program capable of putting a warhead on a missile which can reach Tokyo is sufficient to keep Japan at bay. Many scholars in international relations view nuclear arsenals as means of projecting power. Whether or not surrounding countries have the capacity to shoot them down is moot; it's all about the implied threat. Which is why Iran is after a nuclear bomb. It's all about projecting power and countering what it perceivesas a threat from the Israelis, who also hold a nuclear arsenal. It's not publicly acknowledged but it's the worst kept secret on the planet that they have one.
We have 7 billion people and you are fine. What about the billions of people (including 45 million Americans) who can't get enough food to feed themselves, let alone their family. Do you know where all that money went? To the war in the middle east. You spend trillions of dollars a year on fighting in wars that you seem to support and yet you criticise the person commanding your forces in these regions for spending too much money, on these wars. No, he's the best President you've every had. Ever.
My two cents: Go travel, visit the sites of history around the world: Listen what Chinese people have to say about one child policy, Japanese about nuclear power and warfare, ask the polish about WW2, speak with Jews at the wailing wall and with palastinians next door. Learn from the killing fields in Cambodia about communism and their neighbours in Vietnam about chemical warfare. Interview people in Columbia, Cuba and Afghanistan about foreign intervention. Return then here and you will most probably refrain from speaking in terms of 'we, our, they and theirs'. It will also help to understand, why people see the US this or that way.
I don't mean to be provocative, but the idea of bringing up abortion in discussion about how the earth is too populated is just ridiculous. The problem with population lies with those who feel that it is their duty to breed like rats. If one has come to the point where abortion is a potential option, they screwed up in multiple ways beforehand. Humans can in fact learn to not continue to have children.
Lol, I just read all of these pages, and you guys went from a song about America to Chinease people being forced to have abortions in 2002. Some of these debates (actually like all of them) get off topic by the 2nd or 3rd page...