Mods are really doing their job

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Equinox_Boss, Jul 14, 2012.

  1. You may barely see them but that doesn't mean they're not watching.
    IcecreamCow and creepincreepers7 like this.
  2. They are called Chat Mods.
    Bob used to be one.
  3. I know how to explain it!1
    Lets say there is a war.
    Team A Has a few HUGE soldiers like 1 mile tall and Team B has 5 million 6 foot soldiers.
    Who is going to win?
    Quality over Quantity
    1998golfer likes this.
  4. A language filter would help.
  5. That would lag the server but yeah, good idea.
  6. It would cause no more lag then /ignore
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. I think if they made a language filter they should do like some games I've seen where it replaces the bad word with a different word so then it looks funny.

    OT: The first night CamerinDrake joined he was pvp'd by being dug into a hole and set on fire. His attacker tried to say if he had better equips he wouldn't have done it and tried to bribe with diamonds. We got screenshots and when I reported him to BigDavie. BigDavie actually came on SMP7 and banned the player.

    So yes, Mods are doing their jobs :)
  8. I suggest 'Cabbage'
  9. LOL that would look pretty funny. "KISS MY CABBAGE JOSH!"**

    **Just an example, not really telling you to do it :p
  10. To say that the mods have all but abandoned smp4 is just ridiculous! Just tonight I saw someone banned for bad language. And rightly so. The /report system works! Give the mods a chance to work their way through all the reports they receive and in the meantime be patient. They are doing the best they can. Remember that they are volunteering their time to make a positive contribution that benefits us all.
    krysyyjane9191 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. Glad people are not fighting.
  12. While this is a great idea, it has it's flaws. We tried this on GameKrib and all it did was encourage people to go around the filters by seeing what would work. Actually caused more problems than it fixed. Aikar is working on a few more enhancements for our Square system that will help with this though...things that would auto-report in a way and even auto-kick for serious issues/offenses.
  13. Yeah I guess that's a downside to it :/ Wasn't thinking of that. I kinda wondered why you guys hadn't implemented some kind of thing in the system for swearing since there's one for Logging off and on repeatedly spamming chat.
  14. ... you could just make JackBiggin a mod.. he's on all the time. and does nothing but constantly say no caps please or stop spamming... etc
    imBobertRobert likes this.
  15. It's their decision. I know a lot of people like that, but the staff have their reasons, and I get that. I just trust them to choose the best people for the job when they need to.
  16. Also, there are specific reasons we DON'T choose certain helpful people for moderators as well. Some people have a better time at getting certain things done to help catch the baddies that being a moderator would hinder. So, just remember that just because someone you absolutely think SHOULD be a mod isn't, doesn't mean it's for a bad reason. :)
  17. You only say that because you can't see supporter/ my local chat; I'm actually always building. I won't go into full detail here, but I have no need or intention of applying.
    SecretAznEks likes this.
  18. I agree with most of this, except for the part that we have lives... enough said...
  19. Unfortunately this is much how it is in real life, Just down from where I live, well used to live is a park at night its full of idiots drinking and smoking stuff, but the police only do beat walks in that area during the day, sorta when you want it the safest really?

  20. :-(