[Mob Arena] Ideas & Suggestions

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by RainbowChin, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. I live on the west coast aswell, and the mob arena is at 1:00pm. There is no way I can make it to these, but he is hosting it in the best possible time for him. I agree that the gmt people are generally left out, therefore needing this more than us :)
  2. Rainbow round:
    No armor
    Insert a crapload of jeb_ sheep
    Insert less of a crapload of cave spiders

    People do not know what to punch and get hurt and confused and pee their pants hopefully.
  3. Do you go to school?
  4. Yes, but sometimes the Mob Arena happens on Friday and my school has Fridays off.
  5. But this is RainbowChin's mobarena which is on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
    607 likes this.
  6. What about different themes? I was thinking of hosting an arena once a week at the lowest-peak hour time for us Australian players, and calling it "Casual Creatures" because of the low player count, short and old school it would be.

    You could take the same idea and have "Old School Arena" as someone already mentioned, or movie/text based, like "Wizarding Warriors Arena," using macros to develop stories and events, something I believe Bigdavie has done in the past.

    It would be great if there was the moderator ability to use WE in that certain part of SMP5, but I don't think that's likely - if so, it could get much more interesting :)
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