Misc Updates - 2/10/14

Discussion in 'Empire Updates' started by Aikar, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. okay thank goodness! I have one Dragon Stone and it took FOREVER to get!
  2. Sounds great Aikar, loving the steady stream of updates you've been posting recently. I do have a question though. What was the reasoning behind lowering the head drop rates? They already seemed pretty low so was there some reason it needed to be even lower?
  3. Considering animals are much easier to access and mass butcher compared to monsters, and especially with looting, made them too easy to obtain.
  4. Oh, I misread that and didn't notice you specified animals instead of monsters. That makes sense, thanks.
    607 likes this.
  5. But now who are developers? Maybe I missed something:p
  6. so... I've just done some testing and dispenser no longer ignite blocks at all, either with ignite set to true or false... please tell me this is a bug and planned to be fixed?

    Edit in: Done some more testing, firespread flag still contradicts the dispenser.
    The only way for dispensers to Ignite a block is for Firespread to be set in True state, Ignite flag does not affect the redstone powered mechanism at all.
    Choongjae likes this.
    • You can now move onto banned users Residence
    Nice, this will be handy sometimes =P
  7. Thank you. For a second, I thought you may have ruined my life >.>
  8. Aikar is on a roll this week haha
    72Volt likes this.
  9. And it's only Tuesday lol
  10. At this rate, we'll be making Empires by Saturday. :p And maybe have some weird town subway added in by Sunday. And why not add meteor showers by Monday? Wait... that's actually a good idea! I should suggest that for MC... a volcano biome with meteor showers of ghast fireballs/fire charges.
    RainbowChin likes this.
  11. Withernados, ender dragon poop rain, we have it all in terms of weather :p
  12. So true. EMC's whether is simply spectacular. *Looks up to see an anvil storm plummeting from the sky* Yup, we sure are unique that way.
  13. Example?
  14. Actual being able to forceclaim banned players residences
  15. Technically you can get on the edge of a res and do /res info and then use /res forcelaim ###-##### but i like this new idea better :p.
  16. *Actually being easy to do so now :p
    607 likes this.
  17. XD So sad but true.
    lol. I would respond with something funny but I lack the need to do it ;3
    That's how awesome this is. xD