Military Career Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MrWhosMagic, Jan 23, 2014.

  1. 7! Irish lucky number!
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  2. 53 please. For the 2nd prize you seen my post in one of yours first threads ok? :)
  3. 72. It's a shame that military professions are needed, because of the risks they carry to those who serve and the disruption I believe state-sponsored violence can cause, but as someone with connections to veterans, I wish you all the best, and I do hope you will make some friends in what will no doubt be a challenging career.
    hashhog3000 and MrWhosMagic like this.
  4. 144 please
    Congratz even though I'm in Canada
    MrWhosMagic likes this.

  5. People should read the entire OP more often.
    FDNY21, hashhog3000 and MrWhosMagic like this.

    Good luck in the military, MrWhosMagic :D
  7. Do you remember the first time I had an interaction with you on EMC?
    43 pl0xes
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  8. I believe it was when I won your 10 dc of Fire Resistance Potions? :p

    Thanks for the question :D
  9. May you serve well :)
    I have family in the military, so I send my good luck to you as well :p
    48 Please (if not 25, or 55 is fine)

    I would like to enter the second chance contest; here is my entry:
    And though, through endless motions,
    comes the finale, from one ocean,
    to another, may it burn bright and long,
    effortlessly, in the Soldier's Song.
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  10. 49 please
    Good luck to you in your future!
  11. 44 please :)
    Good luck, serve austrayia well mate
  12. 57, good luck in your trainment in the Australian army :D, me too will go to the army of my country in 2 years more :D. But yeah, good luck :D.
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  13. I think it was I who won your auction
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  14. 5 please. WHY YOU LEAVE US D::::::::::::::::::::::
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  15. 61, please. I will miss you, MrWhosMagic... you were a nice presence in the community, and I'll miss that. What was your first day like? I wish you the best of luck in the military. I would like to be entered in the second drawing. :) Thanks! -hashhog3000
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  16. 54 bro!

    For my comments and questions now.

    It has been a fun run man.
    I can honestly say that you are on my top list of people I interact with.
    You always had the trifecta going on.
    Hanging out derping, mob looting, and mining.

    1) Do you remember how we started chatting?
    2) You can take a player out of EMC, but can you take EMC out of a player?
    3) Will you ever get a tattoo? (I know loads of military that do this) and if so, what will ur p’s think?
    4) What will you do without us? (ya, you know you love us).

    Last question
    What would you do without Nuetlla, the delicious hazelnut spread, while you are serving?

    P.S. I would love to be entered into a 2nd chance, and when I lose that, a 3rd and 4th chance also!
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  17. 53. I think it's quite brave of you to join a branch of the armed service.
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  18. 51
    Do you like pie?
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  19. 15 please :)I always see you on the forums, but ive never really met you :(I'd love to be entered into the second chance draw. Well, I guess this is goodbye, stay safe and farewell!
    (Have a good Australia Day!)
    MrWhosMagic likes this.
  20. 59 please! Will your residences go derelict? I had wanted them for my mall... But I have started construction already.
    MrWhosMagic likes this.