Mega Mall Naming Contest! (Winner gets 40k in Rupees)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Fexu, Jan 11, 2017.

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  1. Chuck Norris. Would definitely visit a mall called Chuck Norris.
    EmpireMall, Fexu and UltiPig like this.
  2. Egg Inc
    Egg and Co
    Fexu likes this.
  3. Mallu
    Fexu likes this.
  4. Alot of great names so far :D
  5. Locus commerciorum (the place of the trades) (it's latin)
    Fexu likes this.
  6. Shop Here
    Fexu likes this.
  7. Bump, Lots of good names everyone! :D
  8. Alright Lads and Ladettes, After a bit of discussing we have found our winner! Congratulations to Dannyyyy, we will send you your prize asap! :D
    xxcapmanxx, Dannyyyy and Sachrock like this.
  9. I like the name!
    Dannyyyy and Fexu like this.
  10. What is this 2008 public school?
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