Looks like the hacker took down every server now...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Tigerstar, Jul 22, 2015.

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  1. Aikar, do you like turtles?
  2. I feel you
  3. :D lol
  4. This is honestly ridiculous. 4+ hours. I paid money for this damn game to play it with my friends not to sit around and wait for them to fix this. I don't care if they got DDOS'd, 4 hours is enough time for at least an update.
  5. ;-; I was signed on but got booted for some reason
  6. I mean you could go fix it for Mojang.
  7. Pay me even half the salary those guys get and I'll be there in a heartbeat.
    Qwerty189 likes this.
  8. EMC (the site) was once DDOSed for a day and a half straight. Mojang has had issues in the past where their servers were down for longer than four hours just because they are noobs. Basically four hours isn't that much (and this has been going on for, what, ~eight hours?).

    If I am not mistaken, Mojang servers are actually Amazon servers (or has that changed?). Chances are there are people over at Mojang and/or Amazon who are much more upset and worried than you, who might get to stay very late at work tonight. You have the option to do something else, they don't. At least be grateful for that.

    You should always have a backup activity. Read a book, play a different game, go on Tumblr and provoke radical SJWs, design a farm in single player, play on the EMC ARK server (if you have it), play Terraria (if you have it(if not, get it)), there are tons of things you could do right now. The quicker you find something else, the less this will collectively bother you.
  9. Its not like they can just Pick up the server and move it somewhere else, we have to wait out the attack...
  10. I get that. The least they could do is publicly acknowledge this.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  11. I've read the Heir series :) pretty good series, I recommend it
  12. they do know that of is spelled o f, not o f f right?
  13. So I've been proven wrong for the last 6+ hours.....
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  14. Seem Like the twitter account hoicsquad Has been suspended?
  15. Ya, went down hard earlier today. I guess Twitter finally got the hint and crashed the party.
  16. Mojang's servers have been hacked? I wonder, could it have been the elusive hacker 'Four Chan"?

    Well, that's inconvenient, now I can't stand around my base and do nothing for 12 minutes.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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