Letter to the community

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JDHallows, Apr 26, 2020.

  1. Hey guys! It's been a while since I said hey to everyone, so wanted to write a little letter to everyone.

    A couple weeks ago, I started being a little bit more active on EMC. I've been online more in-game, on the forums and in Discord. It's been a ton of fun, and I may be sticking around for a little while, still. I've been talking again with friends that I haven't chatted with much since leaving last year and it's been enjoyable.

    However, I've been getting asked a lot why I left when I did and why I'm back now. And no, I didn't return just because of the 1.15 update, though it has been nice to see the server a little busier with the update.

    I had many reasons for choosing to leave EMC when I did, some of which I'm not going to discuss here. The ones I am going to discuss are a bit more personal and are also related to why I've started being more active now.

    I've dealt with minor anxiety since I was 13/14. In grade school, it was easier to ignore and push through. I would focus on my school work and spent most of my free time with my nose in a book. Later though, as I hit college that anxiety got worse. Last year, that turned into a mild depression that had caused me to lose interest in doing the things that I enjoyed. Part of the reason I decided to leave was because I didn't feel like I could give to EMC as a staff member what I felt I needed to. So, I walked away.

    Last December, I realized that I was no longer functioning in a healthy way emotionally and mentally. That was when I decided to get some help. Since then, I've been in a much better place and have started getting back into doing the things I enjoy.

    One of the best things has been talking with friends again. Being able to talk with the people who care about me has been one of the most helpful parts of this. Coming back to EMC has played a large part in that by getting me back in contact with friends from here. In addition, this community is amazing and very supportive of everybody in it. Being around the compassion, understanding and positive interactions has been amazing, especially during this quarantine.

    So, on to the purpose of this letter. First, it's a thank you. A thank you to this amazing community for being here and being so understanding. Thank you to the staff team who make it possible for this community to exist. Thank you to our server admins who, despite their real life demands, always try to be here and involved in this community when they can.

    Second, it's also a request. A request that for any of you who may feeling similarly to the way I did, know that this community and I am here. Don't withdraw inside yourself, don't think you're alone, don't believe the lies that you have been told. If you want somebody to talk with, I and many others in this community are here. As I said, I went through a mild and short-lived depression by comparison to what many experience, so I couldn't imagine how many others must be feeling. Reach out, though. This community understands and loves you. We have such a diverse community that is full of people of many different walks of life, many of whom will be able to relate with where you are.

    Especially during this quarantine when people may be feeling more isolated than they already were, being able to lean on a community like this is exactly what you may need. This was one of the reasons I decided to come back now, was because I was feeling kind of lonely and bored during this quarantine.

    Lastly, I just want to say I love all of y'all and I'm glad to be back, even if it's only occasionally. Thank you for reading my long letter, it may be a bit heavier than expected, but it's something I've been wanting to share.

    All my love,
    Start where you are
    Use what you have
    Do what you can
    - Arthur Ashe
  2. I love you and everybody else in this community. Thank you for sharing <3

    I am always here for anybody that needs someone to talk to. You all are worth being cared for and loved, and don't you forget it. :)
    BennyLikesBelts, 607, JohnKid and 3 others like this.
  3. Actually, to be honest I was relieved. I was afraid this would be yet another critique of staff or pessimistic observation of EMC's deterioration or whatever. I am sorry to hear you have been going through this (although not generally surprised; it seems like kind, sensitive people like you are more prone to such issues :(), but I am glad you have found good rather than bad in EMC. :)
    Stay strong. <3
  4. Wonderfully said JD. Been good to chat again. :)
  5. Glad you are feeling better mate, and rest assured we are all very happy to see you back!
  6. Much love JD <3
    JDHallows likes this.
  7. Well then, welcome back! <3
    JDHallows likes this.
  8. As someone who deals with these issues and has for as long as I can remember. I'm very glad you got help! It takes a lot to do that. I've been getting help for a very long time and to be honest I haven't been able to get that help during this quarantine. However this wonderful community has been so kind in helping me through these rough times known as quarantine. So as someone who understands this topic I'm glad all is well with you and you're coming back! I hope to chat more in game with you sometime soon!
  9. Love you JDHallows
    JDHallows likes this.
  10. Meme 👏 Review 👏

    Glad your back JD, catch ya in discord sometime!
    Fadeddd and JDHallows like this.
  11. Welcome back bro! :D
    JDHallows likes this.
  12. I am always isolated but ye I get whatchu mean, its a rough thing. For me its easier to get upsetti at others than anyone else to kinda destress.
    JDHallows likes this.
  13. i have bad anxiety :/ i know how you feel-- its been rough lately. hope it continues to get better for you!
    JDHallows likes this.