[Let's play] Hexxit with erosego!

Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by EroseYT, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Haha, the only part I missed! I will have to go back there and check it out :)

    Thanks! Haha, idk it looks super scary :3
  2. Coming Soon :D What do you guys think of this thumbnail?

  3. Tip: You should always have a pair of Frezarite Boots with you incase you need to quickly cross a river or any other water themed activity, it's REALLY good for fighting pirates :)
  4. hehe :)
  5. Epsiode 21! :D
    Qwerty189 and ErikRodhi like this.
  6. Erose... *facedesk*
    You were literally 1-3 blocks from the treasure chamber. just dig in a smidge more, and you would have found it. but look out, there's a tnt trap in there. Also, liveroot breaks the fastest with an axe.
  7. Thats what I thought as she was playing... like, isn't she like 1 block away from it...?
    erosego likes this.
  8. I spent about an hour and a half on this, but here it is, the treasure chamber layout, just for you. :)
    And here are a few examples of the loot you can find there. :)
    2013-08-09_19.03.08.png 2013-08-09_19.02.54.png 2013-08-09_19.02.23.png 2013-08-09_19.02.33.png
    ErikRodhi and erosego like this.
  9. omg make more pls
    erosego likes this.
  10. Haha, thanks for the layout Qwerty :). Maybe I'll be able to do it in the next episode :p
    ErikRodhi likes this.
  11. Np. :p
    You should explore some other absurd structure so I can textwall some more info about it! :p

    Also. when entering the treasure chamber, dig 1 block out, then immediately mine the block below the one you just mined. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you see a pressure plate, dig down 2 blocks, and destroy ALL of the TNT. If not, dig another block out, then immediately mine the block below the one you just mined, and keep doing that until you see a pressure plate at your feet. After you destroy all the tnt, you can break the mazestone above the pressure plate above the tnt you destroyed. Sand will come falling down, don't destroy it. just mine the block above you and walk over the sand. DO NOT TRY TO MINE IT. From there, you should have clear access to the chests. The rarest thing in there is a mazebreaker, which is pretty much the only thing that can destroy mazestone at a reasonable speed. After that, you may do whatever you want with the treasure chamber. :)
    erosego likes this.
  12. In my hexxit world. ive been more interested in eating souls then chocobos xD
    erosego likes this.
  13. Haha, that's a lot of steps to get into the treasure room. I feel like I might blow up :p.

    But chocobos are so cute! :p

    I also just posted episode one of Aether II! I wont be posting all the episodes here so make sure if you enjoy it you subscribe or follow the Aether II thread.

    ErikRodhi likes this.
  14. I'm loving the series Erosego, please name a Chocobo Faeghost? Also, try to fight the enderdragon and get it's head? :)
    erosego likes this.
  15. Enjoy another exciting episode of Hexxit with erose :D

    ErikRodhi and missdeedee68 like this.
  16. Do I only get one chance at an enderdragons head?
  17. i think so.
  18. I hope I'm lucky :)
  19. You can enchant something with "Behead" which will give 100% chance to get a head, you can make a special axe by smelting that will have it already on as a skill.

    Also if you see a giant green spot, and nothing else on the minimap I would suggest getting away from it because its scary and dark and hard!
    erosego likes this.