It's very strong of you to make this post. You could have just as easily kept it away from us. It might take you a while but I have a feeling you are gonna be just fine. Thank you for being you Krysyy.
Glad you are still on speaking terms with moose, not all people do that thanks for sharing with us krysyy! I hope things return to running smoothly soon as possible, as well as I hope to be able to catch you in game more often when your having fun ^-^ Best Wishes ! chessie
No Pity from me, and you know why? It's life but hes right it could've been YEARS and then things would've been harder. It's still going to be difficult but you seem to be a strong one. Don't know you very well but You got this. Things will be better again. Thats why there's no pity. You'll make it through this small set back! Just remember everyone has setbacks just in many different ways. Keep up the semi-good spirit and I hope to see ya around EMC some more!! Keep your head high and stay humble.
I'm sorry for what happened ;-; it was nice being in disneyland with the both of you and sharing a fun expierence together
Krysyy I am sorry to hear what happened but I know down the road things will only get better and I wish you the best of luck and I hope things are good for the future ahead. And we will always be here for you no matter what Krysyy. Never stop being who you are, and always keep optimistic for positivity will always empower a life.
As I said in mod chat, you've always been here for anyone who needed it and you will always get the same in return. You may manage the community but you are still part of it and we take care of our own. I don't know you personally but I feel like you are a strong person and you'll make it through this stronger.
I'm sorry to read that. It brings double portion of sadness to me. My hope was that it would work out and that you would soon have a baby - and that a fresh dose of maternal instincts combined with the "promotion to older sibling" would do good to EMC. Well, where I live they say "first, it will turn out different, and second, than you think it will." (Erstens kommt es anders - und zweitens als man denkt.) Keep your head high and stay humble and kind. I wish you all the best!