Krysyy Takeover...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JMB_, Sep 21, 2015.


Fight back?

Yes 22 vote(s) 31.9%
No 7 vote(s) 10.1%
There is no hope... 40 vote(s) 58.0%
  1. We're all gonna die, aren't we? :p
  2. Some not all.
  3. Krysyy could you leave me last?
    Hashhog likes this.
  4. Hmm... why does something tell me that this is a picture I took with your skin edited in? *glances at chat* :p Then again, you are my alt just like everyone else...
    f_Builder_sDaNub likes this.
  5. Can someone get JustinGuy and IceCreamCow to fight Kryssy for us?
  6. IceCreamCow sadly blew himself up before he left, and JustingGuy... JustinGuy was MIA in the tombs of SMP1's Graveyard.
  7. I noticed :p Its The_ not gonna say the rest
  8. What else do you want me to steal? ^.^
  9. You humans who have flesh will die but us animatronics will be just swell :p
  10. We will just dump water on you
    Kephras likes this.
  11. Where is your spring trap suit? I need to stuff you again
  12. I have an original Krysyy head, so I have immunity.
  13. *makes Galantisizer enemy #1*
  14. If someone was gonna kill me, I would be just fine with it being Krysyy!
    (Beats falling down the stairs)
    Sgt_Pepper4, Kytula and LuckyPat like this.
  15. May I have a custom forum title for this? :p
    Kytula likes this.
  16. What I'm curious about is how you manage to run that many clients at the same time! You must have a super computer. Or computers? :confused:
    _TheLooseCannon_ and Kytula like this.
  17. My computer sees some decrease in performance, but nothing that breaks anything. I do have a pretty good comp thanks to Moose always wanting the newest and best for himself. I get his hand-me-downs which are really still great comp parts.
  18. The thing I am scared is that you are always there in game and in the forums
    DeathPunchKitty likes this.
  19. I am everywhere. You cannot escape me. (insert evil laugh here)
    Sgt_Pepper4, 607 and DeathPunchKitty like this.
  20. I'm not scared of you ill just blow you up like i did the rest >_> of the staff >: D
    Galantisizer and Krysyy like this.