Krysyy Takeover...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by JMB_, Sep 21, 2015.


Fight back?

Yes 22 vote(s) 31.9%
No 7 vote(s) 10.1%
There is no hope... 40 vote(s) 58.0%
  1. Well if I can't escape you we could be friends :p (After we are friends I will betray you and capture you and feed you to the wolfs)
  2. Lol a pic popped up on my Facebook memories feed from 5 years ago today that fits in with the whole me being everywhere comment. I'll post when I get home.
    607, 8808 and f_Builder_sDaNub like this.
  3. Hurry up. Its almost been a minute :p
  4. You just need 1 more alt then we get Dwight in there and can play bowling :D
    607 likes this.
  5. Krysy you scared me I have a simailar photo on my I-Phone. I really think you just hacked I my phone :p
  6. No I hacked your phone and brought it to her as a minion of destruction... :confused: Sorry I cannot control her... her... spell...
    8808 likes this.
  7. This is beautiful.
    JMB6362 likes this.
  8. This sooo reminds me of "eyes only"
  9. k.
  10. I...will....FIGHT!!!!
  11. Then fight we shall!
  12. I Will fight..... I #I W F! Join my team if u want to fight! F T W :D
  13. I'm Making a picture Of F T W !!
  14. I got a cool image with krysyy in my signature. The white species, or all of the rainbow in one per se.
    JMB6362 likes this.
  15. Rainbow Krysyy? Uh...
    fireblaster6000 likes this.
  16. Yeah i hope You get some Luck Krysyy Good Luck :D ;)
  17. When was i there?