Just Relaized something

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Be6Ja1min, Feb 26, 2019.

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  1. Hello all,
    I just realized something!
    I realized that reverse auctions, are about how nice the bidder is,
    if the bidder is caring he/she would bid less to win the reverse auctions.
    But (I'm not saying there's people like this but) Selfish bidders will never win auctions.

    If the bid is 210k is for a diamond supporter. the bid increment is 10k.
    bidder says: 210k
    second bidder says: 190k
    (A nice fist bidder would bid 180k, a selfish first bidder would let the second bidder win, or if there a third bidder.)

    I know this is quite dumb, but i think its important.
    deathconn and NuclearBobomb like this.
  2. I feel like pointing out that you spelled realized wrong?
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  3. That doesent matter.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  4. We live in a society
  5. You spelled doesn't wrong XD
  6. Geez, lol

    This is my rule of thumb: When playing minecraft (empire escpecially) (yes I spelled that word wrong), ignore all grammar.
  7. Well these are the forums and I should mention that Minecraft it a proper noun, same with Empire when referring to EMC.
    (This is fun L.O.L.)
  8. that's not even a good sentence :/
    (this is fun lol)
    (no, not really)
  9. Fixed it >;D
    NuclearBobomb likes this.
  10. no you didn't
    unless I missed something during my english classes
  11. what is this thread
  12. Grammar classes
    Gawadrolt and Stnywitness like this.
  13. D:<
    Gawadrolt and Stnywitness like this.
  14. Lol Top_Benny was sharing something, then for some reason it turned into a grammar class. *apologizes to Benny and gives him a waffle*
    FadedMartian and Top_Benny like this.
  15. Actually Benny is dissing people who don't bid 0 on his reverse auctions XD
  16. Hmm...
    This comment sounds a little offensive. Not really sure what to make of it, but please be a little more mindful of your speech. :)
    Just a friendly reminder.

    I think your thread here is a good one. I know what you mean, and I am glad you decided to share this with the EMC community. Thanks for pointing this out! :)
  17. Hm, I disagree. I think people should and do bid on reverse auctions not to help the auctioneer out, but to make some money. So the first bidder could have bid 180k, depending on how desperately he needed the money.
    (although it seems crazy to me anyway that anyone would sell a Diamond Supporter Voucher for less than 500k D:)
  18. lol the prices he used are kinda what they go for these days :p
    they aren't even close to the 400k they once were worth
    FadedMartian, Top_Benny and 607 like this.
  19. That's old pricing :p

    But, indeed, I argree with you, this is an economy server and, some people, like me, wouldn't even like people to give stuff away or sell for too little ruppees. Tom an dI mainly are as pround of our promo collection as we are because we did it all by ourselves. When I look at the millions of ruppees that is our promo collection I think "we did that".
    Getting ruppees together often means having to get recourses and all that, and, when the project you're doing is about making mroe ruppees, I want to pay a fair price for the materials I cannot optain myself. It's part of the game to try and make as much profit as you can on your own.

    Yes, when you're working on a comunity project (One coming up in the future...), you want people to give a little bit with stuff like that, but for normal projects, please, don't give me stuff for less than it's worth to you, It's part of the game :p
    Top_Benny, TomvanWijnen and 607 like this.
  20. This thread went from 0-100 real quick. For starters, I gotta agree with 607, as kindness isn't primarily the reason people bid on a RA, but rather to make some rupees. 2nd, Y0sh you ought to watch yourself, I wouldn't want all of EMC to get after you friend ;)
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