Its Been a Ride

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by iSmooch, Jul 9, 2012.

  1. Goodbye, ISMOOCH, and I sincerely hope that all turns out well for you in the end - Good luck and God Bless :)
    Equinox_Boss and Chascarrillo like this.
  2. Goodbye ISMOOCH!

    It was fun having you around when I built the most epic thing I've ever built here on EMC: The Dragonia Hotel! ISM would always come check up on progess, give constructive criticism, it was much appreciated.

    I hope to see you again, ever :)

    Fair well, friend
    MR2R2M and Chascarrillo like this.
  3. I am sad to see you go. May the tides carry you to warm sands, mate.
  4. Goodbye ISMOOCH! :( And the best luck for you!
  5. Well ISMOOCH.
    I made a video just for you.
    It was hard.
    Working with 2 monitors and just 1 laptop.
    Hosting the server on the laptop also.
    And fraps.
    But it was worth it.
    it worked out.
    Chascarrillo likes this.
  6. ISmooch... I am sorry to see you go. I am glad that I got to be a part of EMC while you were still here. I had fun with sheep jokes and the like, and I really enjoyed your videos and contests. I do hope that you try and find someone to help finish the ISmooch games series. I am not sure if your going back to active duty but if you are good luck and thanks! This is my official goodbye to ISmooch. You will be dearly missed by all (for all of those who won't miss you I will personally request that they are banned :p )
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  7. I am suprised Ismooch didnt even stick around for his own thread. :( I thought he would have questioned my Skyrim refrence for the very least.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  8. Thanks for your service-to both EMC and the United States! It's sad to see you go, but RL always takes priority over the Internet. Good luck! :)
    imBobertRobert and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Goodbye bud. Good luck in the future ;)
  10. good luck bro
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Yeah, so I don't know what exactly this means.. but while keeping my calm I'll try clear something up for all of you.

    iSmooch AND myself will try and get back to ismoochgames. We don't know when it will be, but if you keep sunscribed to us you may just get a surprise one day. I am sorry we didn't get to finish with our contest winners, but because of stuff happening in life at my end (my grandad died, I had end of paper exams at university, plus many assignments to hand in as well as working part time), and now stuff happening with iSmooch it just was not possible. I will keep my fingers crossed that one day we will finish these, if our winners are still around. Especially Aubringer, I really want to finish the cat map :) But yeah, life got in the way.. and we also were having a lot of technical difficulties and timing problems as well. So if and when we do I will make sure I notify people on here by posting a thread of some sorts.

    Just please do not bug iSmooch about it. If you have questions, come to me. Please.
  12. images (3).jpg ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

  13. So long and thanks for all the fish.
    Frodomann1 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  14. Mostly Harmless.
  15. :(:(:( NOOOOO (continues for several Lines...)

    I understand; but it doesn't make it any easier. Best of luck through the suspenseful game called life. I hope this joyrney brings you back to visit in the future- near or faraway.
    ZBSDKryten and hayleycolgan like this.