iSmooch Games :: Be A Star :: Contest

Discussion in 'Share Your EMC Creations' started by iSmooch, May 1, 2012.

  1. theres nothing weird about that :) i do it all the time
  2. working on mine now.. have to admit camera mod is one of the best mods i have ever gotten for mc... makes camera movements soooo smooth will work on voice probably tonight..
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  3. Todays Schedule

    -- I dont know [X]
    --- Shower [X]
    ---- Minecraftin [X]
    ----- Old boardgames
    ------Odd game to play [X]
    ------- Cheerin up friends
    --------- Herping Derpin around [X]

    Or... i could...
    -- Herp Derp [X]
    --- Armin van Buuren song listenin
    ---- Yestedays homeworks [X]
    ----- Lay down and get some well earned rest [X]
    ------ E-baying
    ------- Yellin curses to a game when i dont have any idea how to play it :3 [X]
    Maxarias and hayleycolgan like this.
  4. what is this... I do not understand why this is here :3
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  5. I had... urge to do somethin and... i came up with this if you can reaaaally closely watch the schedule you will notice there is... a secret :3
    hayleycolgan likes this.
  6. yeah i see it :p but is just so ... random xD
  7. I found the secret!! LOOOOOOL that is great if smooch and haley dont find it ima lol all day :p
  8. I have already done most of em, now... i could perhaps someday in the future start thinkin to... mumble some english to a fine piece of video and somehow magically import it to some site aaaand so on
  9. I Wish I Could Make Videos or Slide Shows :(
  10. Its 11.08 pm here... i think i could get some sleep and post it tommorrow to youtube
  11. I have a youtube channel (multiple) and they are actually gaining fame....... we may be able to make videos together later :D
  12. Well... Im still awake so... i could sneakly put the video...
    here... so none will see it :3
    ISMOOCH and hayleycolgan like this.
  13. Bad! They said 3 minutes! Outrage I say!
  14. Crap I didn't realize there were so many videos being submitted :( They are all really good. I know that I won't win now :/ Might as well post my video anyway.
  15. You never know if you will win or not if you don't even try :)
    LuxuryMushroom likes this.
  16. hayleycolgan likes this.
  17. These are all so good too bad I don't have fraps or minecraft (only for a short time) I could match these guys with my AWESOME!
  18. so many videos to watch when i get home :)
    snozles likes this.
  19. I have decided that I'm too lazy to make videos of my minecraft stuff. Although I am still waffling on now since my first post here.
    ISMOOCH likes this.