is this a issue for anyone else?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Releias, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. oki
    I don't know if this is happening to anybody else
    but has anybody seen this before?

    all the text on the bottom row of the sign keeps spinning like some kinda slot machine o~o
    its a little freaky
    has anybody else seen this before?
    what can be done to fix it?
    can it be fixed?
    what did I do DX
    did I break minecraft!?

  2. It is an option for a "color" - try it out for yourself when you are in game next: type /colors :)
    To use one of options (including the one you mentioned above) use & and the # EX. &2 is the color green
    607 and ComicalCanine like this.
  3. huh??? :confused:
    I'm talking about the spinning text on the bottom row-
    not colored text
  4. Yeah, that is just one of the options to change your text up a bit. Do /colors to see what else you can do with it. You can also change the text to bold and stuff like that. If you are a supporter (gold or diamond) you could even change your res enter and leave messages and include that in it! I think this particular one would be done with &k (message here, no "(" needed)
    ComicalCanine and 607 like this.
  5. That's why I put color in "" because it's not really a color :) but just an option when you type /colors
    ComicalCanine and 607 like this.
  6. o~o
    I didn't break minecraft?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  7. so everythings oki right?
    no glitches?
    MoreMoople likes this.
  8. Nope, no glitches, just normal mechanics :)
    607 and ComicalCanine like this.
  9. well that makes my life so much easier XD
    I thought I broke something
    or that there was a glitch XD
    how the frack do color changing sheep exist?
  10. It'll take a whole lot more to break (Empire) Minecraft ;)

    As to colored sheep: I assume you mean the one which changes colors all the time? That's actually one of the many (vanilla) Minecraft eastern eggs. If you rename a sheep into "jeb_" then it'll turn into a "rainbow sheep". Also see the Minecraft wiki page about sheep.
    ComicalCanine and 607 like this.
  11. Congrats, you didn't break minecraft!;)
    Jelle68, ComicalCanine and 607 like this.
  12. Additionally to jeb_ for disco sheeps, you can name a sheep (or any other mob) Dinnerbone or Grumm to move it upside down. :)
  14. yay I didn't break it lol