You were not overworked. It would be a good idea for players to make threads for the wiki, but face it. Players would just vandalise it, which is annoying about our society nowadays. A wiki team would be better, because it would have more of the "more trusted" players.
I saw something in the new rules that has me a bit concerned. It says that damaging someone else's creation even accidentally results in a permanent ban. My concern is: what if a player is exploring and doesn't see a creeper sneak up? That creeper might explode and take some of a path, a house or a bridge with it. Even if the player did their best to repair all of the damage would this still result in a permanent ban? What if you fixed it 99% but mistakenly put one block out of place? Then even if the records showed that the creeper did it and not you, by trying to fix it would you put your signature on it and get banned? Sorry if this seems paranoid, I am not a griefer I just want to understand for the future so that I can be absolutely sure that I do not accidentally do anything which may be interpreted as griefing. P.S. There's a bridge that goes past my wild base which I had been using for transportation. At the point where it is near by base it is very narrow. Would it be considered griefing if I widened the bridge and improved it? I will not touch it until I know.
It shouldn't be a problem as long as you fix it as much as possible, and leave a sign saying "Creeper damage, sorry tried to fix, didn't have enough materials ~[playernamehere]" Erm... I dunno on this part, I think that you should just leave it alone, and perhaps ask the owner of the bridge to allow you to improve upon it. I might be wrong on this part, so I would confirm with staff on this.
There's a lot of custom items such as the ticking tock, ICC page, voter's block, ect. that have been handed out as prizes in the past and aren't really deserving of their own Wiki pages. They're more like "rare items" than custom items. Mods would always use their better judgement, they're not robots and they understand when something was a mistake. "Even accidentally" is there just so people can't grief and claim that it was accidental, so if you fix it all up and accidentally leave one block, you're fine. The definition of griefing is to harass or cause harm/grief to another player. By widening it, you're helping people out. It's always good to seek approval, but when someone builds a public bridge they're most likely fine with others helping to maintain it.
Actually, I don't see why we wouldn't want to have pages for rare items as they may be floating around for who knows long. Feel free to suggest a page with missing said items and all the details you remember of them and we'll add the ones we see fit.
Or...... you could just make a skyblock-type of home in the wild. Everybody could see it, but nobody could get to it (That is, if you put lava on all the edges and bottom.)
I hate to beat a dead horse here. (No pun intended ) But this is a prime example opposing your theory. Also, as Aikar mentioned - allowing user content would require massive amounts of moderation. A few others have mentioned adding guides for "user projects" and similar information. We have an area for that. It's called the forum A lot of content on our wiki-guide has been taken from forums. If anyone makes a forum post that is undeniably needed on the wiki, it will most definitely be added.
I see there's a page for reporting errors—is a grammar error worth reporting? The reason for this question is that the wiki contains an uncountable number of problems revolving around apostrophes. From "Marlix" Is something like this worth reporting, or should it be ignored because it's rather paltry?