[Introduce Yourself] Hi, I'm Xian11!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Xian11, Oct 16, 2016.

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  1. For the record I'm also a little mixed on this myself but I have to agree that there's no reason for us to become hostile or anything. Benefit of the doubt anyone? Let's leave it to the staff to decide on how to react on all this and don't let our prejudice get the best of us.

    So yeah... I guess welcome to the Empire. Be sure to ask if you got any questions and all, I'd be happy to show you around a bit.

    You will have to keep one thing in mind though. There is a little bit of history with HelloKittyRo. Mixed history, some good and some bad. So obviously some people will be a little suspicious, and I'll admit that I belong to that group as well (to a certain extend anyway).

    Even so, I have no reason to mistrust you yet, so yeah. I think it's admirable to pursue that ideal.

    And who knows, you might grow to like Minecraft as well. It is a very typical game :)
    607 likes this.
  2. Let's not jump to conclusions here. Please be well aware that HKRO had not much reason to because she/he had some friends who were sticking their neck out for them, and who would have helped out quite a bit... provided that they let them.

    Also: from my point of view some of the previous problems started exactly like this. Some players who took offense to the way HKRO reacted and wouldn't let that go.

    Let's leave the passing of judgment to the staff please. They may not always be perfect but they are doing their utmost best to run a fair and fun server for everyone. But you got to give them room to do that. Let's not derail this thread over past issues.
  3. I'll jump to conclusions all damn day if I want to.

    I hated HKRO with a passion. I was overjoyed when he/she was banned. If she wouldn't lie and lie and lie, these issues wouldn't even start. I hope this alt gets banned, it would make EMC a much better place.
    Tuqueque and NathanRP like this.
  4. Two(?) things I want to mention (nothing against you personally just the points you brought up).

    Staff already made their judgement when they didn't ban HKR's alt in the first place.

    While to some this may seem like past issues, it is just a matter of perspective. Most people here don't care if HKR is playing on an alt, they care about whether or not HKR is going behave differently than in the past. It is fairly easy to see that this is in fact HKR just by her chat habits (I can point them out if anyone wishes). Which means she is lying, again. Also, the little story about how HKR gave this account money is completely false. The look through account activity when banning just one account since there is the potential for someone to illegally transfer items and money over. It has happened in the past, and staff have reversed it or banned the alt. So this is another lie, and one particularly special in that it is meant to glorify this accounts purpose, purely for manipulative reasons. Another previous HKR habit.

    Would couldn't care less if HKR plays here but if she is going to do the same shit she did before, then people are going to have a problem with that. If she is going to play here, the next thing she should do it come clean and learn from her long history of mistakes.
    607 and BenMA like this.
  5. I like how he/she's profile is set to public but we can't post or comment on it. Seems odd to me.. anyone else?
  6. I know nothing about HelloKittyRo other than I met her at Friday Night Miner's once and I have her head. And I call her a her because the skin was of a female and the way she carried her voice made me think she was one (if I'm wrong, correct me).

    But yeah - if staff have let the account be, then there can't be anything we can do about it even if you think this is still this HelloKittyRo character. I recommend maintaining a respectful distance and not causing anymore disturbance...
    ShelLuser, ThaKloned and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. Since, you don't know the full extent of what happened. She was a nuisance to this community and most of us liked it when we didn't see a flame war thread every few days posted by her. Now that she's back, oh guess what, the threads are back too. :/
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. Hmmm... she lied that she was male because she wanted too.

    She moved nothing over to me accept 1K. I do not know how I will make the money, but she wants me to.
  9. I did not know HelloKittyRo, although all I knew as they never told the truth... What I think would work best for everyone is if the stories where not a big lie...

    Even by reading your so call proof that you are not them, that sounds like a lie, by saying they gave the funds to this account, instead of paying back the people, that caused them to get banned for scamming... Once they are banned, all their funds and reses are blocked and no one but staff can access... Even if they sent you the funds you could have said, i have the funds i will pay them back. But even then you dont know if you are going to get banned...

    Also by saying you are a friend of someone who got banned, causes more drama and more fighting, In the emc rules, that is considered causing drama and can be staff intervened...

    So why lie? I dont like people that lie 24/7 just to act cool... Just tell the truth....

    I hope this thread gets locked, to stop the constant Drama....
    NathanRP and jkjkjk182 like this.
  10. I'm dying at the amount of lies you are telling.

    She lied "because she wanted to". That is the lamest excuse I've heard. There is no point in lying about your gender. It doesn't matter if people know if you are male, female, or whatever. Lying does make people dislike and distrust you. Maybe that's why most of the community disliked her.

    Why in the hell would she care if the people she scammed were payed back? She's banned. I think this HKRO using an alt to try to make the community like her again. Well let me tell ya something, it ain't gonna work.

    And if you actually did transfer the funds to this alt before you were banned and it wasn't caught by staff, they know now since you just admitted to giving your alt money before your main was banned.
    Tuqueque and NathanRP like this.
  11. To cause drama you need 2 things: a means and an audience who will fall for it.

    Is something odd here? Of course it is. For example: I've never seen a new player who only follows the staff on the forums and hardly anyone else.

    But starting a ruckus isn't going to solve anything, that only makes things worse.
    607, jkjkjk182 and ESSELEM like this.
  12. tbf i've seen it before

    also they dont only follow staff, hkr is in there too :p
  13. Exactly. I don't really know myself what it did in the past to make you all so angry but right now what matters is you have the full opportunity to leave it alone. Who's creating the drama? Certainly not it.
    607, ShelLuser and ThaKloned like this.
  14. The reason she follows staff is because she's a favorite. Why do you think it took so long for her to get banned in the first place? She started so much drama on the forums before and was not punished for it. She'll get away with this too and then we'll be back to the same shit on the forums. Drama, thread closed. Drama, thread closed. Drama, oh guess what?, thread closed.
    Tuqueque and ChrisFlareon like this.

  15. I got to correct you there we don't play favorites or I certainly don't. People need to realize how much time goes on in background when dealing with a player. We try to help them then straight ban them that would be the easy way out and we choose not to do that way.

    At this time am closing this thread due all parties causing drama. Wasn't single person or a group of people it was anyone that was rude to each other. We are better than this.

    Closed, also sorry if a few grammar mistakes I'm on day 45 of 65 day outage so I'm very tired.
    JesusPower2, Sachrock, 607 and 4 others like this.
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