Interest in a Federation of outposts?

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by mba2012, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. I'd like to know the details of what exactly this federation offers beyond the bureaucracy.

    I'm not worried yet about political details, but more the tangible benefits that you'd offer existing outposts.

    From my perspective, I don't need help with my outpost starting, and grief issues just don't exist for me. as far as trading, well, although it is t set up officially yet, to get to my outpost is about a 14 hour trip in the nether....seriously.

    So I would like to know what is offered that an outpost such as mine would see as a benefit to joining?

    gladranger7 likes this.
  2. The main benefit I see is a large shared player base. A member of one member outpost is automatically a member of the entire federation as one outpost. There would be a lot of cross promotion of the different states, bringing activity to all of them. Obviously, increased activity is good for an outpost (one that is seeking it) and more gets done there in all sorts of areas.

    Other than that, there's the added level of interest that the political system operating the federation would bring.
    mehtryx likes this.
  3. thanks
    PetuniaFigtree likes this.
  4. I agree I wont join...y would I? were are the perks? free promos sure! beacons? sure! but saying "i part of a federation" held nothing special for me
  5. It did when you first posted. Before you edited that post, that is ;)
  6. In my experience, collaboration between outposts depends on the people and not a framework that governs it.

    For many PoC members it is very common to go and visit other outposts, help building farms, or build embassies. So far we weren't in need of a government in order to do all this.

    Though I would wish other outposts to engage more actively in these collaborations. For example, I haven't seen other outposts including a friends section in their OP, nor has any other outpost ever opened an embassy in Carthaga, even though we already have four in the other outposts. But again, I think it depends on the willingness of the players and not some superior organization.
    gladranger7 and mba2012 like this.
  7. I totally agree with you. My main motivation for this is to try to get this system working, because I believe it can work. The NR was a very interesting experiment and although it failed, I think the major issues it had can be fixed.
  8. What happened to the other thread? I have completed the visible part of a nice clubhouse for this federation on smp5, but lost the thread where we were discussing it. So I'll restate my own idea of how this could work. I am owner of a thriving outpost on SMP5 named Middle Earth, where we are attempting to rebuild the entire set from the books/series.

    Here is my proposal:
    1. We would like to arrange for an embassy exchange (we build a little embassy building in your outpost and you can build one in ours). Building design should match surroundings and fit with the theme of the outpost, or maybe a more fun idea would be you build your style in our outpost and we build something of our style in yours... tbd
    2. For a start, outpost owner and top council (max 3 people in this first phase) will have free use of our farms and vice-versa. We have just about everything it is possible to have, I'll leave it at that for now.
    3. An area in the clubhouse I have built in town for your outpost, with build perms so you can redecorate as desired.
    4. Maybe we can set up a resource exchange room at the clubhouse, - stuff you are in need of that we can farm in exchange for stuff from your outpost that we are in need of. This would be materials for outpost builds, not for reselling in shops.

    Our rules:
    If someone else is already idling there, don't take the drops.
    Drops that accumulate while you are idling are yours to do with as you will.
    Do not alter/improve or change anything in our outpost. If something is wrong with drop speed or if a creeper blast breaks something, please report it by leaving a sign - we have an engineer who will see to the repairs (we've had incidents of people trying to fix mechanisms in our farms and inadvertently messing them up worse).
    You can use your embassy as a safe house for setting a spawn and for your own storage and locked chests.
    Creeper explosions that do not damage any working machinery should be repaired - we have strategically placed chests for this all around our outpost, where we keep dirt, stone, and gravel for fixing damage.

    That said, - who wants their outpost to enter into a friendly relationship with Middle Earth outpost from Smp5?
    mehtryx and gladranger7 like this.
  9. Those are some good ideas, however I think you were thinking of this thread:
    PetuniaFigtree likes this.
  10. aha ok thanks. I withdraw from them, seems like they just lost interest pretty quickly.
    Can we join this one instead? It seems like that one has pretty much fizzled out while I was busy building the clubhouse lol.
  11. Sorry about the United Outposts thing falling apart, I just had too many things on my plate at the time.
    PetuniaFigtree likes this.
  12. I honestly like this idea. It's kind of like making a nation with this organization, except the outpost owner rules their land. You have my support for this.

    Okay we get it. If you don't want to join, that is great for you! You have proven your opinion three times now and we get what you are saying. Stop nagging us about this. As well, you need to watch this video carefully for your own sake.

    EDIT: As well, why do you point out promos? What do promos benefit from an outpost other than funds. As well, who says that in the future some people from said federation will start giving their members beacons and whatever outposts need ( I've never made an outpost so I don't know what they require :p ). Sorry if I've sounded rude but seriously.
    Patr1cV and PetuniaFigtree like this.
  13. I also think that having cooperation across servers is the best way to go, you wouldn't have to travel all the way into town in your own server to visit the other outpost, just pop back and forth between them.
  14. If that is the word I think it is... I would strongly recommend that you don't say it as its very offensive to many on emc.
  15. As for the thread, not sure how a us go system will work with a parliament system. As I come from a parliament system there is not a federal government.

    Also would this be ment for one server?

    And is this for more sharing goods back and forth?
  16. yes offensive! which is what this idea is!
  17. Well that is very offensive to me as is..... can you please never use that word?
  18. I think, and I don't mean to divert the main OP's purpose of the thread so if I am do tell me I will respect that and take this to a pm...that I like the ideas PetuniaFigtree has posted. Having an embassy, and an open relationship, more like a membership to a United Nations is something I'd be very open to versus the federated states. What concerns me about a governing body, is someone telling people they are members of my outpost as a result of the federation rather than guests. Its sounds like (and correct me as needed) that I don't get to choose if and who has any access (albeit I do, because once land claiming is in I wouldn't give people I hadn't invited...and thus likely be thrown from a federation if this violates rules).

    With guests you like, they tend to get access to build and hold lands for as long as they remain friendly, but I as the outpost leader could at any point decide to revoke another outpost from having access to ours, including the removal of any "Embassy" builds.

    I am open to having people come out to our latest outpost (establishment pending) and establishing an embassy, even more as we get to know them and using our farms and such. Having people around is great. I just want the control to be my own dictator when I think someone is not behaving...and I'm sure the federation will consider how to deal with things, but I also don't want it to be wide open invite without my consent on a case by case basis either.

    So long point made short: I like control, and being told who I may have to let visit is what I fear a federation may do from whats been said. I welcome clarity and correction...I am certainly not rocking the boat here.

    Either way, I'm intrigued to follow this for now and see what happens, and PetuniaFigtree (and others...), we are setting up our outpost on smp1 its nothing to look at or even have people come to...but its going to be a Venetian inspired city on the sea connecting to the distant shores and beyond. When its at least suitable to add something your welcome to make an embassy (albeit without land claims and tp for outposts its a 14hr nether journey to get there...sorry, we wanted to hit the million block mark ;) ) But we'd certainly be interested in putting in an embassy at yours as well. Feel free to PM back on that, (since this will sidetrack the thread).

    Kaizimir likes this.
  19. That is awesome! And of course as outposts become friendly with one another it could grow into a network etc. I feel the same way about control and would be most comfortable with only a couple of people at a time being given instructions out to us.
    I think we could move to a private convo to work out the details of our alliance ;)
  20. so basically what the EU is