Imagining Minecraft 2.0

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Trapper777, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. 607 and trent948 like this.
  2. Pay to update my four accounts... would be a fast way to piss me off :p
    jkjkjk182 and xxherpusderpusxx like this.
  3. Who wouldn't love a Minecraft update where mojang actually did something useful with emeralds other than trading? :D
  4. Oh! and Space Travel! We need SPACE travel! Or is that too... tekkity? ( <---Did I make that word up?)
    SkidzGaming likes this.
  5. I think mojang shouldn't do the 1.10,1.12 thing.
    Because after a while you'd have 1.53222737 which wouldn't be very catchy.
  6. So you like 53222727.0 more? :confused: It would be that otherwise:p
  7. I wouldn't mind 23.57.
  8. How did you get that number? I am pretty sure 1.53222737 would be 53222727.0 Or then maybe something a little different. But it would not get less numbers, of course. And what ever happens, we all know such versions will not ever exist, so let us stop confessing about updates 400 years from now:p