Tbh, Id go to a doctor and ask him to fix em while being humiliated. What would you do if you woke up on a magical sandwich in the sky... then fell into RainbowChin's chin?
I'd eat the sandwich and then go say hi to rainboeminty ...from when i was a noob, but he probably doesn't still have RainboeMinty's blade.... What would you do if you found 6 pokeballs, a pokedex, a trainer card and an S. S. ticket on your bedside table? OMG IM THE CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I. Would. DIE. Yeah, thats my answer for everything. If you woke up one morning and found you were asleep in the kitchen, what would you do? (I'd raid the cupboards and the fridge )
I don't have a bedside table, but, if I did, I would check and see what Pokémon were in the Pokéballs. If you woke up one morning and found yourself in a dragon's cave buried in a pile of gold...
I'd walk up to bed to get some proper rest. If you woke up one morning to find 3/8 of the people in the world just disappeared into thin air...
I'd... live my life normally. Or would I... If you woke up one morning and found you were the lead developer, and Aikar was you, (hehe) what would you do?
I would go impersonate him in his everyday life - I'd go cook burgers with MrSocks75, hang out with Max and her shoes, crash EMC's econom-- oh, right. What if you woke up one morning and you were unable to get up as your legs were paralyzed?
I'd just not get up What if you woke up and you were Luckygreenbird's bird and were in a cage. Oh and you stalk him as he reads staff forums
i would break out and tell everyone on my account i got turned into lucky's bird if you woke up and found a dead body what would you do
Id collaborate with aliens to send me home. If you woke up and found yourself in the remains of a starship drifting through space, what would you do?
I'd figure a way to another planet and make a home there. If you woke up one morning and found yourself stuck in the past, living a dead person's life, what would you do?
I would go soaring. If you woke up one morning with the neck of a giraffe, the ears of an elephant, the legs of a deer, the antlers of a moose, the tongue of a blue tongued skink, the bill of a platypus, and the tentacles of a kraken...
I'd have myself stuffed and mounted. If you woke up one morning and realized you were in the last book/series of books you read (movie/movies you watched for the on-readers) and at the beginning of the story, what would you do?
I would read the book/watch the movie and scream out #NewCelebearty! What would you do if you found the person you hate most in the world sitting next to you and you were stuck to your bed?
I would say it depends on the story. If you woke up one morning and everything that was edible had turned bitter or salty... EDIT: Ninja'd
Well, everything is "edible" but I know what you mean, Id go back to bed and chew on my fingers. If you woke up one morning a moderator on EMC?