ICC Is a female

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Jeanzl2000, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. I believe the breed is indeed quite obscure, only popularly known from a 2001 episode of The Simpsons, correct?
  2. But that's not where ICC got his name.
  3. Maybe there's cows who's milk is only used for cheese and cows who's milk is only used for ice cream? And maybe they live in cold climates?
  4. there are two types of cows in this world
    And IceCream
    And yes this is the same thing!!!!
  5. Never was a farm hand, but I am a biologist/biochemist, so take my reply however you will. I think that any cow that is specifically bred for dairy produces milk that can go on to create cheese and/or ice cream. It's pretty much only what's added/done to the milk that makes those products different, not what type of cow it comes from.

    But there are cattle that are specifically bred for meat vs dairy.