[ICC Head Drop] Saturday 11/23/13 7PM Central

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IcecreamCow, Nov 22, 2013.

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  1. 8 hours and 25 minutes left until this amazing event.
    Runningrhino likes this.
  2. Bleah. 0100hrs. Not likely. :(
  3. I Just Realized I cant go ;( Going To See Catching Fire :p
    Runningrhino likes this.
  4. Thats a pretty good reason not to go.
  5. Would be better if the reason was: "Can't go, catching fire." :D
    Runningrhino likes this.
  6. what time is this GMT?
  7. No idea, just Google CST to GMT, can't be that hard
  8. 1AM?!
    Why are event times never reasonable for GMT players?
    Gadget_AD likes this.
  9. Bad Login problem popped out ... someone's head will drop , hihihihi
  10. I'll be seeing that at midnight tonight.

    Also, I may or may not do some recording for some more enraged videos during this event. :D
  11. Im now sooo jelly that i cant come...For im sleeping...Unless i get up at 1am in da morning...:D
  12. How long until the event? Im very excited!
  13. US site catering to their majority playerbase which is US. Would be nice if on a weekend it was a bit earlier though to give the Europeans a chance.
  14. ICC With All The "Bad Login" Messages going on Would it not be smart to move This? If It was Just me With The Problem i wouldnt suggest it but There A Threads About It? Just a Little Suggestion
    MR2R2M likes this.
  15. It's only taking about five or six tries to get on it seems.
  16. I think my count is at about 250 consecutive tries.... D:
  17. I hate the ":cool:I'm boss with saying "Bad Login""!
  18. There's a workaround for it:

    • Close Minecraft from Taskmanager
    • Restart it
    • Change to a previous version (Any one will do)
    • Save
    • Restart it
    • Stand on your head
    • Bash your feet off the keyboard
    • Take pictures
    • Post on EMC to pass the time having still not been able to log on to MC.
    Runningrhino likes this.
  19. Well the first 5 steps worked, I then changed back to 1.6 and BAM I logged in :p
    kilmannan likes this.
  20. Damn. :D
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