Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by MemeLad, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. -_-

    I don't even know how to respond to all of this
  2. "Thank you"?
    jkjkjk182 and wisepsn like this.
  3. No, not thanking, you all have just added to my confusion...
  4. That's what we're here for. :D
    Amazin_Swordfish likes this.
  5. /-_-
    Spenser6 likes this.
  6. I dont understand why you made a thread about this.
  7. What i don't understand is how he doesn't understand how we understand everyones alt's
    RainbowChin likes this.
  8. I guess. (._.?)
    Spenser6 likes this.
  9. Exactly.
  10. I was once SparerToaster, Jcplugs, jkjkjk182, and AlexChance…
  11. I understand that
    Spenser6 likes this.
  12. I should get an alt...
  13. Tadum tsss
  14. L0tad made a suicide joke?
    Well, I guess I go all out when it comes to trolling with that account.
  15. I can understand how you would.
  16. Why yes, they're great aren't they?
  17. Thats good to know.
  18. but Dwight, you ARE Crazy1080