<HUGE GIVEAWAY> Gold Voucher and more!!!

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by 586, Aug 12, 2015.

  1. I just got bored not many people talk while I'm on and I'm very short tempered so many arguments had started...
  2. That's so awesome and funny!
  3. This happens to a lot of people. I wouldn't necessarily assume you want to quite it forever and give everything away. Unless you're completely sure, you might want to come back some time in the future and you may want to have your things back. Just something to consider, but if you're completely sure then good luck wherever life takes you :)
  4. Well I doubt I would come back and if I did I wouldn't regret this action at all!
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  5. sorry to see you go :/ ive noticed alot of players leaving lately. however hope you have a nice journey ahead of you irl!^.^
    Kytula and XxE3choxX like this.
  6. tysm! You too!
    DatzMine likes this.

  7. I doubt Nathan remembers this even happened.
    XxE3choxX likes this.

  8. Thank you for your generosity to hold this giveaway. I am sorry to hear about you leaving EMC, a break is always nice to have before you call it quits :)
    Arallantiel and XxE3choxX like this.
  9. Here is my comment that you are an evil genius!
  10. I echo datzmine's sentiments. I'm sorry I'm on my mobile now, but will edit in a pic tomorrow when I can get on my pc. Thank you, and I'm sorry to see another emc player go.

    Edit: Here's s.s. of Seffy's staff announcement party at town spawn. Jackbiggen heads were worn, and feesh were thrown around for all :p

    XxE3choxX likes this.
  11. Luckypat likes this.
  12. Sorry to see you go. Have fun and good luck on where ever life brings you.
    Sorry about this. I am still working on my skills with adding screenshots into my posts, so here I am with my major WIP, which is my house, and hopefully my megamall
    XxE3choxX likes this.
  13. Thats so cute and funny. Ik i've been thinking for months :) I've also been gone for months lol
    Luckypat likes this.
  14. It's sad to see a fellow member of EMC go. Thanks a lot for this giveaway.

    ^ A screenshot I took a while ago :)
    Luckypat, Deadmaster98 and XxE3choxX like this.
  15. Sign me up! I'm new to EMC too, so I would love some promos. Sorry, I didn't get a chance to know ya though!

    Here's me, doing some cooking.

    XxE3choxX likes this.
  16. love it!
  17. Thats sweet, thank you :)
  18. Thanks for doing this.
    XxE3choxX likes this.
  19. Thanks for doing this! Count me in! :)