How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. which ones ?
    Still retain mu 6
  2. 3/10 - Seen you around the forums. :rolleyes:
  3. 4/10, same, but recognise the avatar
    Faithcaster likes this.
  4. 6.8/10. I've seen Ethy a lot during the past 4 years, and we've interacted multiple times. Nothing too personal or intimate, though.
  5. 8/10
    I always find you on the forums, but not in game as much
  6. 7.5/10.
    I've seen Theomglover a lot also. In the beginning, I didn't really like him, but now I do. I guess he got more mature. ;)
    Theomglover likes this.
  7. Yea I regret most of that stuff
  8. 5/10 See you in game but we never talk
  9. 3/10 you've joined a discord call and I've seen you in game but we've never talked
  10. you humored my satirical thread, you're an OG and I appreciate that @derp_duckie
  11. 4 kinda know you on the forums
  12. You seem like a pretty cool dude, and what thread was that?
  13. I saw you on smp1 and smp8 today and you seem pretty chill :D
  14. @Ethy: 4/10 I see sometimes in game then a lot on forums
  15. Seen you around a bit on the forums and in-game and sometimes on the streams
  16. sames
  17. 4/10 seen you on the forums but not in game
  18. Have seen you a little bit on the forums and maybe in-game?
