How are y'all doing? Hola from Texas!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by N0WaifuN0Laifu, Mar 21, 2015.

  1. Wow there are so many Texans here! :D
    You have quite the list there! :p A lot of those are pretty long too, especially Doctor Who since it's been around for so long. Have you seen every season or just the more modern ones? I've met some Whovians but iirc they've only watched the recent seasons, not the old-school ones.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  2. Probably Maggie, she's so sassy and well she is perfect haha. :p
    As for this, I can't quite recall what Alexandria was I'm afraid! :rolleyes:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. Which games do you play on your 3DS? I have Pokemon X and OR, Tomodachi Life (super fun btw), and FE: Awakening.
    You don't watch TV? With a username like that?! :p Well do you read any comics or webcomics then...?
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  4. 1. Texas :p
    2. Gaming and reading
    3. Whatever my other family members pick for me
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  5. Will do!
    The Ender series looked pretty interesting to me so I might just check Shadow Series out, thanks for the recommendation! :)
    Equinox_Boss and RebelSpartan like this.
  6. I've seen most seasons. I like the old and new episodes.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  7. Thanks!
    Which subreddits do you like if you don't mind me asking? GamerGirls, TwoX, and TrollX are probably my top 3. It's so awesome to meet another female pilot!! Especially one in the military :eek: I'm actually hoping to become a commercial pilot in the future and my step-dad (who currently is a pilot for United) said something like 90% of commericial pilots are male which honestly kind of worries me. :/
    How is SAO2 in your opinion? I tried to watch the first season but I didn't like it much, especially the last few episodes :confused:
    Equinox_Boss and AnonReturns like this.
  8. Do you have a preference over xbox or PS3? I personally like PS3 better since it seems like most xbox games are just FPSs lately :confused:
    Always nice to meet more TWD fans! :D Do you read the comics and/or watch the show? I only watch the show but I do check the wiki from time to time to see how things happened in the comics as opposed to the show. I was so mad when I found out that Dale lasted longer in the comics than in the show! He was one of my favorites :( Who is your favorite character?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Maggie + Glenn are an unstoppable force :p They're both amazing but I don't think I can pick one over the other :( Where are you in the show? Alexandria is fairly new to the show so you may not have reached that point in the series yet.
    Equinox_Boss and FDNY21 like this.
  10. More Texans! :)
    What kind of games do you like? Have any books stood out to you in particular?
    Equinox_Boss and Mayoman100 like this.
  11. I'm currently a lurker -deleted my old account- but as for subreddits I'm mainly on AskReddit, aww or science. I like to browse the front page too :)

    I'm not in the military just yet, Air Cadets is an organisation ran by the RAF for teens. This will probably be my last year, but I hope to join a UAS (University Air Squadron) this autumn :p I think we need more female pilots on a whole! We totally need to lower that percentage to something more balanced!

    And I dint have much of an opinion on SAO2 right now, only 2 or 3 episodes in :s
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and N0WaifuN0Laifu like this.
  12. Minecraft, obviously. I also like Super Smash Bros. There are a lot of books I like, mostly sci-fi, but I can't ever remember their titles. :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.

  13. 1. Where are you from? Virginia
    2. What are your hobbies? Minecraft of course, and I like camping, fishing, etc.
    3. What's your favorite TV show(s) or novel(s)? I don't watch a whole lot of TV, but I do enjoy a good read every now and then. Some of my favorites are
    The Hunger Games, Ender's Game, and I recently read The Selection series, which I really enjoyed :)
    Nice to meet you, hope to see you around In-Game sometime :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Wow, you must be pretty dedicated then! It has 26 seasons right? :confused: Who is your favorite doctor? David Tennant seems to be tumblr's favorite. DW looks interesting but I've read some weird stuff on tumblr about it. Like the time lords can be reincarnated or regenerated into absolutely anything but for some reason the doctor has always been a white human male since the very beginning of the show? I haven't actually watched the show so I don't know if there's any truth to this. Do you have any thoughts regarding that matter?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  15. The whole gender/race debate doesn't ever interest me. The show was made in 1963 at the beginning so there will likely be some bias in it. I personally LOVED the first doctor William Hartnell and David Tennant is my second fave, but each doctor has his own attitude and perception of the world. That's what makes the show so great.
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  16. I've seen about 6 or so episodes, possibly 8, into the latest series, I have yet to finish it off. I usually wait for the season to finish (or at least the half-season as they put it) and then watch them all through at the same time :p I don't know if I have seen Alexandria or not, I'm not so attentive to the names of the locations xD Either that or I haven't got to it yet...
    Equinox_Boss and 607 like this.
  17. EMC sure is an awesome server, we have an amazing community! :) That's why the forums are an incredible place to be.
    I live in the Netherlands, I'm Dutch. I learnt a big part of my English by participating on these forums.
    I'm a 15 year old male.
    When I'm not eating, sleeping or doing things for school, I'm nearly always digital. I watch around an hour YouTube a day, spent hours on EMC's forums, and play lots of games. I have a GBA SP and a Wii, and I especially love to play the GBA. I don't play Pokémon though. Examples of ranchises I do have are Super Mario, Wario Land, Super Monkey Ball, the Legend of Zelda, Harvest Moon, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country. My favourite GBA game is the remake of Yoshi's Island, I think, my favourite GBA original Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
    On pc, I play many different kinds of games. Nitrome is my favourite place to go for free games. They make retro games of an incredible quality, with nearly perfect concept, gameplay, graphics and music.
    The most expensive game I'm currently playing is Minecraft. I don't play it very often, but I do like it very much.
    At the moment I'm mostly playing DOS games, in DOSBox (an emulator). Got to love those old classics: Lemmings and Lost Vikings, for example.
    I also have an Atari ST, with lots of floppies.
    I also like both reading and writing. That's one of the reasons why I'm here.
    When I'm not playing games or watching other people play games, I'm occasionally making games myself. Whether it be outside, on paper or in programming languages, it's what I love to do and what I'm kind of good at. I love to let my creativity flow and make something playable, something personal.
    YouTube is a place where I do that sometimes too. Aside from watching, I also upload. I don't have a fixed schedule, though, and I upload very diverse things.

    Another great hobby of mine is music. Music. I listen to it hours upon hours a week, probably. And not the kind of music you hear on the radio - but nearly everything else. I always prefer music without singing. That's why I'm not really a fan of pop and whatever's on the radio nowadays.
    Most of the time when I'm listening to music, it's video game related. From entire video game soundtracks, to independent YouTubers who are creative with existing pieces from games they like. Of the over 5000 videos I've liked on YouTube, a big portion is probably music related.
    And, just like with gaming, I don't only listen to music. I also make it myself. I learnt myself to play the piano (and I'm still slowly getting better), and you can probably guess what I play. Indeed, video game music.
    Aside from playing existing pieces, I'm a composer as well. I don't compose very often (I don't have too much time and energy left after school anyway), but I love to do it. I think you know what I often compose for... video games. Not only video games, though, I've also done a 15 minute film.
    None of these hobbies are professional, I don't earn money myself. But I'm having fun, and learning things that'll perhaps come of use later.

    I do not watch television. We do have a tv, but use it for gaming and watching videos. We have the ability to watch four different tv channels, but hardly do so.
    As for books, I haven't read too much literature yet. I mostly read childrens' books, although I do love literature. We have to read it for school, though, which makes me want to only read it for school. I can tell you two books I've really liked, though: The Secret Garden and Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Have you read either of those?

    Wow, I've been typing for a while. I'm doing this on my iPad, so it's not going too quickly. I wonder how many words this counts...
    Anyway, have fun on the Empire servers, and I hope to see you active on the forums as well!
    Equinox_Boss, Mayoman100 and FDNY21 like this.
  18. Flortexbama...? Florida+Texas+Alabama? :p
    Awesome, another TWD fan! Do you read the comics and/or watch the show? I just watch the show myself but I've heard the comics are better. What do you think of the Alexandrians?

    I just watch the show. TWD
    Alexandrians: Something just seems off, Weird, they made Rick a Constable, don't really know him. Many other things... We'll find out!
    Florida+Texas+Alabama Yep! You Win!! Born/Raised/Living
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Yeah. Of course I've heard of the woodlands. I started getting into pokemon when I played the TCG with my friends on the bus to school. I started to play Gen6 and had fun battling with my friend. I defeated the Pokemon League 5 times in Alpha Sapphire. AS Has got me hooked. A lot.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.