Hi People!! Cahie here

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by cashxjc, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. LOL I adore Empire so much!!!! Ive been playing for 65 days now and I've made so many friends!!
    dresden72, ShelLuser, 607 and 2 others like this.
  2. Welcome to the Empire and the forums. Glad you are enjoying yourself and making lots of friends. :)
    cashxjc likes this.
  3. Welcome to Empire Minecraft! :)
    cashxjc likes this.
  4. Welcome to the Empire! Woo! Best Community Server ever!
    cashxjc likes this.
  5. Hi! :)
    I'm glad you're enjoying your time here! :D
    cashxjc likes this.
  6. Welcome. You should enjoy all the stuff there is to know :D
    cashxjc likes this.
  7. Hi Cahie!

    Well, thanks for your comment; it's nice to hear that you're having a good time. Ha ha, I think it's funny; we're really close where first login time is concerned: yours is 65 days & 9 hours, mine is 64 days and 10 hours (all at the time of writing of course).

    But yah, I guess we need a new welcome message. So instead of welcoming you to EMC (while you're already here) I guess I should say: Welcome to the EMC forums! Hope you're going to enjoy yourself as much as you do in game :)
    cashxjc and Palmsugar like this.
  8. Welcome to the forums! Glad to see you're still here after a couple months. :)