Hi all im new

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ArRaZoRbAcK, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. Welcome to EMC ArRaZoRbAcK. I look forward to seeing you around. :D
  2. Welcome to EMC! I hope you enjoy your stay, and not listen to the SMP rivalries. :p
  3. Hey jw but where in South Dakota so you live? My dad grew up there
  4. Welcome to Empire Minecraft! If something happens to the server, it's Aikar's fault!
  5. Welcome youngster ;)
    SoulPunisher likes this.
  6. I'm on smp1 and 3, if you need any help :)
  7. Welcome! Please read the Guide before doing much.. I speak from experience when I say, READ and UNDERSTAND the rules!
  8. Welcome to the empire dude! P.S. The best server is smp7.
    cddm95ace likes this.
  9. Welcome to EMC! Glad to see another addition to the community!
  10. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone,and i live in Pierre South Dakota the capitol
  11. Welcome to EMC! I live in SMP1 as well, hop by sometimes at residence 608! If you need any help, just give a shout.