Herobine Head?!?!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. This is probably a troll.
    Parkerjv9 and Bro_im_infinite like this.

  2. hm. Interesting
  3. Its my head -_-
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and samsimx like this.
  4. This is... just... wow.
  5. *claps slowly*
  6. How did you lose it?
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  7. He probably just had a head in his hand that he renamed herobine and yeah.
  8. agreed, but in a good way ;)
  9. yup, but seriously if there was really herobrine on this server.... DAN DAN DAAAAAAN
  10. ;)
  11. if it were renaimed in an anvil it would look like this Herobine's Head ~ italic
    FirstJugBurgerz likes this.
  12. That's in the inventory. In the hotbar it is named without italics.
    607 likes this.
  13. How much hero brines did u kill for this...... JK
  14. ^
  15. Guys you're going to far with this. Hide your fears and face the truth:

    607 and Gadget_AD like this.
  16. What about the different texture on the pictures?
  17. player heads appear as steve heads in the inventory.

    when you hover over it with your cursor, are the names in italics?
  18. If that's real you prolly gonna be a billionaire...