Help me find this griefer.

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by IamSaj, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. What you think Last Light Outpost a small community
  2. Well, no, but it's certainly smaller than EMC, and everyone's more closely connected within the Outpost. You don't quite get that in EMC overall, which is why with this system, complete monetary assistance with griefings is guaranteed for the whole community.

  3. Well I'm sorry if I don't know about the system like you say you do >.> Only being on EMC for almost 300 days and catching griefers is a past time for us but "please enrich me with this unique information you have" <insert sarcasm
    JackBiggin likes this.
  4. The snowball effect definitely applies here. We would spend more time giving players things than we would catching rule breakers - and then bam, the server might as well just be creative.

    Also, it is not our duty to repair your buildings or provide supplies. We get griefed, same as you. Police in the real world do not reimburse you if you are robbed, right?
    IamSaj, _Stads_, penfoldex and 4 others like this.
  5. Fair point.
  6. Yes but in minecraft without the plugins for town, that's what the wild is. You surviving in the wilderness the best you can adn avoiding monsters.
  7. Or flying stalkers lol
  8. Brit always meets interesting people. But this is the first time she's had one "punished" by Aikar to the point the server crashed :rolleyes:
    Dwight5273 likes this.
  9. wasnt the place already griefed? and on a separate note, did the griefer find my chest ? xD he was probably disappointed with it being locked.
  10. If Bigdavie doesn't mind telling me who griefed me, please PM me. Thanks
  11. Who is andy smith? This is cool but creepy in a way that nowone will guess.
  12. Some random person in Town probably.
  13. I must meet him.
  14. Could you tell me what server this was?
  15. 6.
  16. Who was it?
  17. You must be reading my MIND... I was telling the group I am with on 4 that I want to start some GROUPS.... for example:
    Neighborhood Watches...
    Rewards for proof...
    Trusted Members that can help rebuild... if desired of course

    I am just as fed up with these little pests as you all are!
    I am going to start a thread for your thoughts now... :)
  18. No... we need YOU all to start up groups for this! :)
    You have groups for everything
    So where are my Marines.... :)
    southpark347 likes this.
  19. Mods do not have time for
    We don't need a rupee fund to oversee.... we need to work together! Lets get rid of them... there are ways :)
    EdmundWayne likes this.