
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Lone_Wolf_Gamer, May 20, 2015.


How many of you out there are true Christians?

Yes, I believe in God the Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord, and The Holy Spirit. 15 vote(s) 42.9%
No, I don't believe in that. 12 vote(s) 34.3%
Unicorns! 9 vote(s) 25.7%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. That may work, but I might be traveling Because of family stuff, but I will see.
  2. Thanks guys for the support, I'm so inspired I can hardly sit still! :p Anyways the unicorn thing was a joke, just having some fun!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. @Oreo This thread is 100% ok as you are still well in line with the rules. :) Discussion is fine, but anything nearing putting down others is not. :)

    @ww2 You are getting pretty borderline here. There is nothing wrong with stating your beliefs and discussing it with others, but claiming that yours is above others is not.
  4. Thanks!
  5. Well Chocolate800, think about what the pastor is saying next time you go. Think about going to heaven and living forever. Also you don't have to be Christian, you can be Catholic as long as you believe that God is the one true God, Jesus died for our sins, and do whatever the Lord calls upon you. This may be hard things, but if you put your faith, hope, and love in Him, He will NEVER fail you, even when it seems like it! Trust me, I am going though some tough things but God NEVER fails! He is working in my life constantly, and I see it everyday, even the little things are from Him. Just saying my belief, it's your choice with what you want to do in life and I can't and won't change that, everybody has their own opinions. ;)
    Ultimamaxx likes this.
  6. Welcome to the Empire Oreo. Enjoy your stay. :) It is good to see another Christian on the server. ;)
    quiltingnanny likes this.
  7. Thanks! It is good to know that there are other Christians out there!
  8. Your church would be great for Kryssy's in-game mini wedding! (if we are even going to have one)

    Welcome to EMC!
  9. I like the idea of someone utilizing a church on EMC.

    I do not believe in any religion. So, I will not be using this establishment.

    I respect everyone's opinions on religion, just please dont force beliefs on anyone, oh and whenever you are doing a service remember to use group and/or residence chat. (Not sure if it is a general rule as to what chat you use for this sort of thing but even local chat people on near residences could hear you not sure if they would want that...)

    Thanks and Good Luck!
    JackBiggin likes this.
  10. *MODERATED* Lets stick to Topic - Hello Thread.
  11. *MODERATED* Lets stick to Topic - Hello Thread.

    I will allow them to come and hear the gospel *MODERATED* Lets stick to Topic - Hello Thread.
  12. Just a note that homophobia is explicitly disallowed on EMC services.
    x7mx, jkjkjk182, AmusedStew and 2 others like this.
  13. Well, this is an interesting way of spreading Christianity... not that I'm against it, no, not at all. Just a peculiar way of doing so. Now all someone needs to do is the spread the Word in WoW and we're set. :p
  14. I have taken some steps to cleaning this thread.

    Any further infringements will result in thread closure and staff action being taken.

    Please return to the topic of this thread which is;

    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  15. You got it, sir. Anyways, welcome to the Empire, Oreo guy. Our cake is 100% organic and always fresh, and by cake, I mean Empire Minecraft.
  16. Welcome to EMC :) I personally don't believe in any Gods, but I think it's awesome when people include their interests in things they build on here.
    DubChef likes this.
  17. Yes, welcome to the Empire. The most awesome minecraft server there is. I should know I think I've played on them all. Maybe I will visit your church sometime. But I think you should put it on smp5. Smp5 is really awesome. Can I hear an Amen?
  18. welcome to the Empire Minecraft :D
  19. Welcomeeeeee!

    This looks like a fun thread... :}
  20. Welcome to the Empire, where we accept everyone. Sometimes.