Happy Veterans Day 2016!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Nov 11, 2016.

    In observance of this day, EMC is giving everyone a 2016 Remembrance Poppy with /promo veterans

    It has been suggested in the past that we not make these promo items, but we believe that the Remembrance Poppy is just as important as the Fourth of July promos and will continue to release them out of respect for the importance of this holiday. We simply ask that you each share that same respect and understand that they are special release items for a reason and you only get one.

    In addition to the Remembrance Poppy, I will be holding a small ceremony at 6:30 pm EMC time at /v veterans on smp6 (might not be available yet, forgot to check move perms). It will last roughly 30 minutes and will be more like a traditional Veterans Day ceremony, like last year.

    My hope is that whoever comes will do their best to follow that ideal and extend their respect through silence during the ceremony as you would during a real life one.

    Thanks and I hope to see you there!
    DrMadFate, jhtk01, Parkerjv and 26 others like this.
  2. Thanks krysyy,

    Here its at 11am on the 11th of Nov. And it's Remembrance Day.
    UltiPig, _Devil__, Tuqueque and 5 others like this.
  3. Cool!
    Can't make it to the thing tonight though :(
  4. Yes, Bless those that have served for they are truly deservant of such praise.
  5. I hate to say happy veterans day more a less i think we should call it Honourable Veterans Day.
    Harp4Christ, Vortixin and ThaKloned like this.
  6. Thank you!
  7. In the United States, this day honors current, past and deceased veterans overall. That's the reason for the phrasing of Happy Veterans Day, because it's like Happy Grandparents Day, or Happy Mothers Day.
  8. I want to say, thank you Krysyy, for holding events like these. Without getting too in-depth of the details, I am easily intimidated by crowds in person, and so going to events such as these in person... is out of the question. I can't hold it together. So events like these allow me to express respect, along with other members of this community that I know and appreciate, without that issue (this isn't to say I still don't honor this day in real life - we have a few veterans in my family, and so I still do thank them and the like, but a grand ceremony respecting all the fallen is something I can't do).

    I must also say that I appreciate the way these ceremonies are held. I went to the 9/11 ceremony last year and was amazed by how smoothly the ceremony went and how sincere it was.

    Can't wait to see you all there tonight. :)
  9. Happy Veterans Day everyone! :)
    Slvr likes this.
  10. I'm really glad EMC do these types of things. Today can be really important for my dad mostly since he was in the army and a lot of his family was too that he cared about.
    So it's an important day for us :p
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. Happy Veterans Day Everyone! If I Am Not Busy, I Will Attend The Ceremony
    DaysInTheDust likes this.
  12. "Happy" Veterans Day. Remember what today is really for.
  13. The res /v veterans does not appear to exist.

    Also those who claim the Promo, please do not sell, as its very disrespectful. This Promo is not ment to make money, it is ment to support your country and all the men and women who gave their lives to make it what it is today...

    IMO i think that the poppies should be just like the bonus chests where you cant sell them....
  14. Typo I'm assuming? thought I'd quickly point it out...

    I completely agree! I think I've seen some people sell the older poppies which quite annoyed me, since it's meant in rememberance not as a tool, or a display etc.
    gladranger7 and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  15. To all you who have served, or are serving, in our military, I shall say thank you. If you have a family member... give them my thanks. It's you guys who keep us and this nation safe. You deserve every person's thanks.
    Twitch1 and gladranger7 like this.
  16. Keep in mind though that not every player may realize what this day is all about. There are players who are 10 - 14 years old and I can well imagine that those players care more about the promo item than the ceremony. I'm sure they don't intent any disrespect, but they are playing a game.

    You could also approach the trade as a clear sign which proofs the existence of the hard earned freedom which those brave men and women fought or stood for.
  17. Kids should know as I had Ceremonies in school since Grade one....
    ThaKloned likes this.
  18. I had it drilled into me from a very young age (I was three years old when I first did the whole 'sit in silence' thing) what Remembrance Day was all about and how you treat the day and the respect you have to give it. It's been thirteen years and my youngest brother (he's five) has had the same thing happen to him over the last two years, so I don't think '10 - 14 year old' players will commit disrespect and not realise it.
    ThaKloned likes this.