[Giveaway / AMA] Win a rupee for every like I got :P

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by ShelLuser, Jan 27, 2017.

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  1. Hey, that's an interesting question! :)
    Raaynn and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Oh, I don't have to guess about that; I know exactly which one it is ;)

    Last year I read a disturbing article on my favorite IT news site about a very popular "web rating" plugin which was abused by the company behind it to simply sell off all the data they got from it. Despite promises that this would be only anonymised data they "just" sold the whole thing. Researchers had already managed to establish the identity of several well known (local) people by going over the records.

    Because of its popularity I decided to post a warning on the Empire too. Aikar saw it, and he could confirm it: he had read the same thing on another news source (it's always very important not to trust a single news source) and also agreed that this could affect a lot of Empire players.

    So the next thing I knew my story was on the front page :eek:

    That was pretty awesome in several ways. Definitely the most likes on one of my posts, but much more important: this really helped to inform the community about the ill practices of that stupid company.

    Well, this:

    Filename: 2014-12-12_17.25.50.png

    On the (far) left: a teleportation wall (I quickly discovered how teleport signs worked) which got me access to all my friends residences as well as my favorite shops (I still have something like this in my current house). Behind Elfin is my first start of a storage. And on the right is my (at that time) open air camping site (fortunately it doesn't rain in town so I didn't have to worry too much about the weather or sleeping in the open air).

    End of years Christmas / Holiday season. For the simple reason that it's guaranteed that both my gf and me are free and available for a good time. It's become a tradition for the last 6 years now to spend the period between Christmas and New year together and so far we've always really enjoyed it.
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  3. And the winner is!

    First things first though; at the time of writing my like amount sits at 15,047. Now, obviously that's a bit of a weird number so I'll round it up to 15,050. Makes it much easier and a bit less awkward :)

    GeneralWillikers has won, with his pick for 44.

    This concludes the give-away/ama, I'll pay you later on when I'm in the game General! :)
    607, Raaynn and AncientTower like this.
  4. Congrats GeneralWillikers!!!

    Shel, I always seem to miss your giveaways.. lol

    Since the giveaway is over I'll simply ask a question. What are the first dozen purchases in your rupee history log?
    607, Raaynn and ShelLuser like this.
  5. lol ;) that list is a bit too large for me to go to the beginning again.... Or so I thought :eek:

    Interesting question, so let's see...

    I bought 10 seeds from frumpit for 1r, I paid 20r to a friend and 10r to someone else but I don't remember why. I purchased several clay bricks, glass, hardened clay, obsidian (I remember this! I was hoping to make a nether portal in town! :D), 2 leads, a brewing stand, an anvil, an enchantment table, bookshelves, several repeaters and comparators, some blaze rods, nether wart, cake (it was party time afterall), ender chest (I remember this too! I used to do /town all the time to get to the ender chest :D), a ward disc (my favorite!), a bow, and a fishing rod. And I bought it all from Uber Corq's shop :)

    lol, it seems I also got 5k for referring Elfin to EMC ;)

    oh, I also bought a diamond sword, birch logs, jungle logs and acacia wood. Also from Corq.

    I actually remember that by the way. It made me value playing on an economy server because you could venture out into the waste to try and get stuff, but you could also buy it. Much easier :)
    Uber_Corq, 607, TomvanWijnen and 3 others like this.
  6. Missed it... but had to pull an equinox_boss and LIKE every post.... just seemed fitting.

    Congrats Shel... well deserved.

    Btw curious...what music do you listen to?
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  7. Woops- totally missed this. I was saying this to myself, "later. Later." And then it ends. :p
    I will ask a question anyway.. Which emc player was the most 'inspiring' to you a few years ago? Because you're obviously recognized now. Congratz on 15k likes. :)
    607 likes this.
  8. I tend to let that happen with giveaways like these, too. :p
    I put the thread off until later as I want to be able to think of a good question to ask, and then I just keep coming across it at an even more inconvenient time. :rolleyes:
  9. 8 please :)
    Am I nice? :)
  10. The giveaway is over, but I suppose the question can still be answered. ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  11. This giveaway/ama has already closed. Closing thread.
    ShelLuser likes this.
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