[Giveaway] _cTJ_'s 14th Birthday & 500 days!

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by cTJx, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Uh... wat
  2. Don't mind him, he just lost the capability of English after he saw all those dank memes.
  3. Hehehe xD
  4. lerwgnqenwO
  5. Time pushed back a little bit more, for I forgot to bump this for a little while. Please, fill up spaces!
  6. Number 33!
    Donald trump or Donald duck?
  7. #DuckForPrez
  8. What Is Most Crazy Thing You Have Every Done On EMC? 48 Please ^_^
  9. Uhhhhh... I've done a lot of them. Most Crazy... well my old name WAS Crazy_TJ.
  10. But it wasn't september 23 yet... :/

    I'll ask my question anyways, though: what is it like, living in Singapore? :)

    And I would've asked for number 38, but that's kinda not necessary anymore, it seems...
  11. Hmmm, my calendar must be wrong then. I only checked my actually calendar not my phone :/
    I'll redraw. Thanks for mentioning that.

    Uhhh, living in Singapore has positives and negatives.

    + Lots of trees
    + It's a two hour drive from coast to coast
    + Great for playing sports all year round (besides winter sports)

    - Sometimes it gets very hot
    -There is a hazy season every year, the PSI gets to over 300
    - No winter :(
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  12. Do you PvP?
    Ill take 15
  13. That's odd. :p I figured it could be due to time differences, but I checked google maps, which through easy math showed it still was the 22nd, even where you live. :p

    Interesting. :)
    607 likes this.
  14. Kind of… I used to a lot more but now I have other things to do while playing MC (limited in-game time).
  15. Okay, I redrew, and good thing you reminded me, Tomvan ;)

    1. #38-TomvanWijnen
    2. #42-ShelLuser
    3. #36- MasterMockery

    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  16. No problem, but, wow, so now I won?! :o That wasn't my intention at all, but, okay, I'll take it :p thanks! :D And congratulations to Shell & MasterMockery too, and to you too again. :)
    607 and Lordess_Spartan like this.