[Giveaway] 6,000 Forum Posts!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Rhyblet, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Exactly. Guess the number in the top picture.
    NetherSpecter and Deadmaster98 like this.
  2. Nvm on this one, I vote 500,000 pieces
  3. 36,587 Pieces
  4. 100,000,000,000,000 pieces
  5. I gave up on counting somewhere near the first two pieces so I'll go with 130,346 :D

    Sneaky, sneaky zombiekwurt..
  6. Bump!
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  7. 10,000
    I'm changing it to 15,000
    Nope, sticking with 10,000

    Edit: how many times can i change this guess? xD
  8. As much as you want, but if you change it after I add it to the list, I may not see your further edits. However, you may resume changing your mind. :)
    NetherSpecter likes this.
  9. 66,666 pieces :D
  10. i would guess 150 000 xD
    but that totally gonna be wrong xD
  11. 147 489 but I'm not totally sure :rolleyes:
    Annyway, thanks for the giveaway :D
  12. Thanks for the giveaway!

    I think around 60,000 pieces:eek:
  13. 83,456 pieces
    Pls say you counted as you made them ._.
    BlinkyBinky likes this.
  14. 76,458
    Sachrock likes this.
  15. Are these custom-made, btw? Because if you were following guides, people can just search up the proper names of each creation and gather and add up the paper counts <.<... that doesn't make for much competition xD
  16. They are not custom made, but if anyone does manage to find the tutorials, it will not give an accurate answer due to some modifications I made.
    NetherSpecter and SteamingFire like this.