[Giveaway] 50k Rupee Giveaway + Other/Party

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by wonderwoman_16, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Sure :)
  2. 38 please
    wonderwoman_16 likes this.
  3. So, you're giving away 100k within a week?
  4. I'm still in 46... I asked for number 44 twice. >_>
  5. I have not added it yet.
  6. wonderwoman_16 likes this.
  7. 49 please
  8. 48 please :)
  9. 49 Please :D
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  10. I'm sorry, this number has been taken. I will give you the closest number to it, 46.
  11. Sorry, this number has already been taken. I will give you the closest number to it, 48.
  12. Sorry, these numbers have already been taken.
    Rhy = 51
    Pec = 52
  13. thanks!
    wonderwoman_16 likes this.
  14. Bump! Winner announced today! Also, come and visit the event! :)
    Congratulations, www.random.org has decided....
    21!!! Congrats, ESSELEM!
    ShelLuser likes this.
  15. Congrats Esselem! And thanks for doing these events Kitty, like a real wonder woman :p
    607 and wonderwoman_16 like this.
  16. yay thanks :D
    607 and wonderwoman_16 like this.
  17. Party moved to 4:00 PM