[GIVEAWAY] 14th birhday

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 607, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. ill take 77 then. :p
    607 likes this.
  2. You gave me a fright...
    For a second I only saw this...
    Pab10S likes this.
  3. Happy birthday 607! for the 28th, Ill take 73 :)
  4. Thanks for the bow, Pab10S!
    I put the sword in the chest.
  5. Lul, I usually do that, as long as my favorite numbers not chosen...
    Ok, well, i still have a back-up...

    69 FTW XD

    Happy Birthday, 607, I hope u have a great time XD
    607 likes this.
  6. Lol, really? xD
    Can I have 83 please :3
  7. Congrats, TFG wants any number :D
  8. Number 16 Please - I will bring Cobblestone by April 9th. :) happy early birthday <|:D
  9. You got 50, thanks to Folk_Rocket.
  10. 607 likes this.
  11. Don't be afraid of a little little pony...
  12. bump! Please, there are so many numbers that have to be chosen before 28th april left! Choose a number, please!
  13. My birthday is 12 days before yours. *evil smile*
    607 likes this.
  14. image.jpg
    I see you as a friend as well, you were the very very first person who answered the LP project thread, which cheered me up a lot, and you were there through out the process. And, well, just lookie at your sig xD

    You are a great guy, your skin is incredibly cute and unforgettable and I'm so happy to have you around.

    BTW I still have to look up English terms too xD but I use wordreference instead of google. I would like to donate 5K to the give away, I will do that when I get back to the laptop ^_^
    607 likes this.
  15. 60 please
    607 likes this.
  16. The contrast between these two post is unbearabley funny. xD
    Lasluin and 607 like this.
  17. Well, I am really happy I have another number chosen:p
    It was quite for a while here, exept our bumps.
    Lasluin likes this.
  18. Lasluin added 5k to the winning price!
    There need a lot spaces to be filled in 12 days.