General direction?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by M4ster_M1ner, Oct 13, 2012.


Do you advocate freedom, open society, democracy, free market and human rights?

Yes, both generally and for the EMC community. 7 vote(s) 35.0%
Yes, but this is not relevant for the EMC community. 11 vote(s) 55.0%
Yes for EMC, but not generally 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No, but this is not relevant for the EMC community. 1 vote(s) 5.0%
No, neither generally nor for EMC 1 vote(s) 5.0%
  1. Respect +1
    You guys are the guys I look up to the most, i'm currently in the Navy Cadets (11+) AND the british military cadets. Right now it's just fun, but when you turn 13 you can actually play with fake firearms, and sometimes paintball guns. I am thinking about going to the next level when I turn 13, so I could be serving in the Navy or Military when i'm older.

    However, I can only do one of them when i'm 13. I'm still deciding :p
    PandasEatRamen and Twitch1 like this.
  2. Most big changes we plan on implementing are polled with the public anyways. Will that always ultimately stop changes from being made? Or make new ones happen? No. However, most of the time we listen to what the community says. Changes are made. So yeah, we keep somethings 'secret' but only for a time. I worked in a Top Secret facility for a year, lots of people wanted to come inside, you think we let them? No. We worked on what we had to work on. And did our jobs. Even though the public wanted to know what the inside goings on were, we still did not tell them.

    We like to surprise the community with exciting new features! I would rather sit and discuss most of these in a private environment to ensure the community gets a great product for an addition rather than a half thought out idea. It is better to get the basic structure ready before releasing to the public. So that way you can know before going in, what you can and cant change. Like with the shop system. Aikar presented that and was met with a wall of suggestions to change/alter it. And it is being revamped becuase of that.

    If your issues deal with us not sharing things with you, then you have turned the blind eye to every release and addition that has been made to the community. Because it has all nearly been talked about publicly.
  3. If you don't think that they're being transparent, then I'll give you a list of what to expect. I'm sure the staff will accept constructive criticism on anything when the update thread is released, or on a current one if it already exists.
    • Dragon Tomb update
    • Claiming areas in the wild
    • PRA resets - SMP1 main spawn got restored Shaun a short while ago, so this might already have been done
    • New mod commands - no, I'm not going to post the ones I know here
    • In-game groups
    • Bug fixes, as always
    • Shop update
    • Voting update
    • Residence update
    • Live map updates
    • Personal wild outposts
    • PvP servers
    There's a pretty extensive list for you - if the staff aren't being transparent then how would I know it? You just have to read update threads. Will there be stuff that we haven't heard about yet? Yes. Why? Because, chances are, it's not ready to be announced.

    A bit of insight here: I personally have discussed with ICC whether or not the staff listen to the community enough. After a long debate, I PROMISE you that they do.
  4. Thank you for that, for a honest and direct answer. (Therfore the like)
    But you've misunderstood where I'm coming from - where my interest lies.

    See, I like EMC and I'd like to see it grow and develop. It is my opinion that a community can only develop if it is not tweaked from outside, but has an own intrinsic life and processes. I certainly have a very different life experience than most of you. I lived for some time in a society where there was nothing there of the things I've written about in the OP. You could get in jail for 2-3 months for telling a joke on the street. (This society is no more (kind of).) This is where my strong love for freedom comes from. I have the experience of actually living in a dictatorship, this is why I'm so sensible (or perhaps react even allergic) to symptoms of it.

    (To make clear, I'm not american nor US citizen, but I'm thankful to and for anyone who believes in freedom and fights for it. US forces took significant part ... thank you! But let us focus on EMC.)

    It surely happens that I use word or phrase without knowing the complete meaning. English is my third language. There are also - apparently significant - cultural differences. But no intention to twist the meaning.

    I'm sorry if anything what I've written came arrogant - i despise arrogance.
    But, you'll understand that I'll ask you to explain and back what you're saying here with references - perhaps in a separate thread or PM.

    I value your opinion all the more if it is different than mine and if you're willing to explain and discuss - this is enrichment for me.
  5. What this thread seems to be about is you not getting your own way with auctions. You obviously weren't here before auctions had strict rules. They were mayhem. If you don't like how auctions are run, you can leave EMC and go find another community who has your 'ideas.
  6. I see a problem here.
    The idea of establishing ones own community and enforcing some rules. It does not work.
    I've been admin for a community for quite a long time. There were always people who wanted me to enforce some rules, throw someone out, restrict communication in some way or influence ("tweak") the community, even fix up poll results. I've always declined such requests: the medium of communication belongs to the people that are involved, the community does not belong to me even if I'm providing the communication service, it belongs to the members. I never regret this, even after the community developed in a way that wasn't to my liking.
  7. Are you trying to restrict my freedom to express opinion and make a suggestion, participate in the development of the community?
    This is rude, can you see that?
  8. Joshposh70, although we dont always get on he tells the cold hard truth and I know from experience. And I agree with him, we dont need 2 more threads because a idea is rejected and you complaining about the "community" making the choose when we are and we are saying


    jaqiefox likes this.
  9. To see it grow even better. :)

    What idea is rejected? When? By whom? Who is "we"?
    Did you miss the topic / thread?
    Are you trying to join Joshposh70 in being rude?
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  10. why is everyone getting so touchy in this thread?
  11. No. By rejected as if you were reading no one wants it so its rejected like a new kid at school. And im not being rude im telling the truth like Josh
  12. nfell this is all about opinions, just because you dont agree with someone doesn't mean you have to be rude to them, yes by all means express you opinion but not in a way the you are being rude.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  13. Yes...
    Isn't that a reason more to play it open and fair in the game?
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  14. I am sure you are going to love this one. Do you know what an Empire is? Because we are not truly an empire as our name suggests. Click here
    jaqiefox, M4nic_M1ner and jkjkjk182 like this.
  15. I think the game is already more open and fair. :p So yeah, sure... but it's already the case. :D
  16. It can be metaphorically interpreted to mean that each of the servers are the states or countries, and that the "empire" means the collection thereof. Yeah? :p
    chickeneer likes this.
  17. Again, what is rejected?
    Do you see the poll above? Did you read the thread?
    Although the tread is young and the poll is not representative, it is clear that almost all support the idea of development of the EMC as an open community that values freedom and has high standards, that is nothing like a dictatorship that can be found on most EMC servers and in corresponding communities. Read the thread again.

    The initial idea of this thread is to ask for opinion about a general direction and standards for the EMC community, something I wondered about for quite some time. I'm very glad about the opinions already posted, I hope more will come. I did not mean to discuss the details, but just the general idea.
    Thank you!
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.
  18. True, true.
  19. I'm honestly fine with what we have now. Besides, the staff is tirelessly working on updates for us such as the Dragon Tomb and such.
    And don't we already have everything you've been asking for? :confused:
  20. You mean the suggestion about misc. auctions forum. This has little to do with this thread, actually only indirectly with the "free market" idea. There is a lot more to it than auctions in the forum.

    See, this is why I like EMC, why I'm investing my free time here and why I'd like it to develop in the direction of an truly open community. As far as possible.

    I got that.
    I hope that there is also nothing, nothing at all what would keep you from supporting (but not "fixing") positive development of the EMC community and sensibly avoiding mistakes and failures you have seen on other servers.
    o0_Jetfire_0o likes this.