GameKribJEREMY retires from EMC...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by GameKribJEREMY, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. well i mean would you really get along with guy when you have to clean up after his explosive experiments all the time.
  2. You like me... /antioch
    Yukon1200 likes this.
  3. That stinks! icc = gkj? Is this what i am missing lol
  4. That's crazy talk.
  5. No this is Crazy talk ^

    This is Leo talk ^
  6. I see you got the subliminal joke.
  7. I'm late on this... but...

    brickstrike and SecretAznEks like this.
  8. I hear they used to get into HUGE arguments on a weekly basis...
  9. Well... GameKribJEREMY is on the forums a lot and barely in the game. IceCreamCow plays a lot but isn't on the forums much. They both have usernames that have 3 words. And about half of GKJ and ICC's posts use emoticons.
    GKJ kept saying that GMJ had to leave. He never said that Jeremy had to leave.
    And about them not working well together... if they are the same person, there is no possible way they could work together. But, this is all just a theory.
  10. I feel I will be on the forums a lot more now that I have this responsibility. ;D
    brickstrike, d1223m, jlopez24 and 3 others like this.
  11. IcecreamCow, Yukon1200 and AlexHallon like this.
  12. FairWell 2.png
    I know its bad but I have no good fonts -.- but that's what I could put together :3 Hope you Like it :3

    the text is really bad D: Oh well it will have to do :oops:
  13. Congratulations ICE CREAM COW
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  14. Thank you JEREMY, for helping Justin create this flat-out amazing server. It will be terrible to see you leave, but good too. Eventually, people must move on in their lives, and I'm sure Icecreamcow will do a wonderful job. I wanted to say for everyone that this server may never be the same, and we will dearly miss you. I other words, bye. Leave it to me to go straight to the point after a heartfelt goodbye.
  15. i am very sad to see you go ):
  16. D:

    I was going to let this go longer but you guys are making me sad (happy sad thanks to your kind words).

    The name GameKribJEREMY is retiring. I JEREMY, am not. ;)
  17. You're.... JEREMY?
  18. My suspicions were correct! It was a way to relax from being known.... I"M A GENIUS!
  19. And the truth is out!
    Squizzel_Boy, d1223m and R0bbieJo like this.