[Game] Ban the Person Above You

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Contristing, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Banned for having a broken signature!
  2. Banned for abusing broken signatures!
  3. banned for not having much of a sig at all
  4. Banned for banning someone else after I banned someone!
  5. banned for ninjaing me
    FDNY21 likes this.
  6. Banned for...well, that's actually a fair point.
  7. Banned for an invalid ban reason
  8. Banned for being too cool
  9. banned for having a laggy res (i have a crappy computer)
    carolmoss likes this.
  10. Banned for not hugging creepers.
  11. Banned for hugging creepers.
  12. Banned for hugging withers.
  13. That's relevant... how? :confused:

    Banned for thinking I hug Withers when I totally hug Asunas.
  14. chris, you can't be chris... i hear by ban you!
    5chris100 likes this.
  15. banned for mispelling hereby
    5chris100 and battmeghs like this.
  16. Banned for playing grammar police without a handy-dandy period. :p
    battmeghs likes this.
  17. Banned for correcting my grammar.
  18. Banned because why not!
  19. Banned because why not ask why not.
  20. banned for why not asking why not asking why not.
    5chris100 likes this.