Title: Duke Ryuga Kingdom Name: PonyPolis (Inspired by rbn923) Population: 7,500 Army Size: 750 Kingdom production: Iron and Iron Related Stuff, Furs, Ores, Coal, Wood Other notes: A dense jungle many miles across surrounds PonyPolis. And in the kingdom of PonyPolis, 1/3 of the population are blacksmiths, 1/3 of the population are miners, and the other 1/3 are farmers. And the ground underneath the dense jungle is full of ores and coal.
PonyPolis begins research on a type of bow that's rapid fire and accurate. (Mind you, in real history, the Chinese invented it in BC.) PonyPolis also starts training knights and archers.
PonyPolis's testing on the rapidfire bow is successful. The rapidfire bow is now called the Obliteration. And PonyPolis's military has been strengthened from 750 men to 1,000 men, 500 of which are knights, and the other 500 are archers, using the new rapid-fire bow.
PonyPolis's military has increased to 1,250 men, half of which are soldiers, and the other half are archers.
Duke Eragon and his men are awaiting further word from Raspal. Tensions have increased, and men are ready. More recruits come in every day, increasing our army size to 2,400. A new design of sword is being developed, and Alagesia is willing to trade designs with PonyPolis for their rapid-fire bow.
Raspal readies Emerald for war, if it breaks out, and the ballista towers are on high alert. scouts have been sent as a precautionary measure, and troops are being trained as fast as possible. 400 troops are already stationed.
I just find a picture of a sword and copy/paste it. You don't have to post pictures, but it would be cool if we could exchange photos Alagaesia's army now stands at 2,500 men, 50 which are wizards. Our scouts are searching the area and have encountered Raspal's scouts but nothing was done or said. In his free time, Duke Eragon is now being trained in the art of magic.
PonyPolis sends 625 of his knights to scout the area. They found some Raspal knights, but the knights left them alone. The archers are now defending the castle and are on high alert...