[Forum Game] You're banned for...

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by mayorprofessor, Jul 28, 2017.

  1. You're banned for banning another enderman.
  2. Ya well, You've been banned for being part Enderman... Dun dun dunnnn....
  3. You're banned for being... species-ist?
  4. You are banned for adding the "...". That's my thing!!
  5. "bans fallout".... you've been hit by you've been struck by.... a Smooth Criminal.
    Slvr likes this.
  6. You're banned for doing stuff
  7. When life gives you lemons, ban them!
  8. I'm banning you for BANNING LEMONS.
    _Rem__ and PhoenixAffinity like this.
  9. I'm banning you cuz what other time will I be able to ban a staff!
  10. I'm banning you because the first time I read your post I didn't understand it
  11. I'm banning you cuz you didn't understand my post the first time you read it!
  12. I'm banning you for not being clear enough in the first place!
  13. I'm banning you because you used the abbreviation "cuz"
    Edit: Im banning you because you ninja'd my post
  14. I'm banning you for not being a good enough ninja!
  15. You're banned for summoning an ender dragon in with a wither and making them fight, casuing massive outpost destruction.
    _Rem__ likes this.
  16. I'm banning you for banning someone for summoning an ender dragon with a with a wither and making them fight causing massive outpost destruction!
  17. You're banned for being wild.
  18. You're banned for saying the same thing someone else already said!
  19. You're banned because I'm grumpy after working 7 days in a row
  20. You're banned for being a tyrant