[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Whil researching Laser Weaponry ShinyWilken sets out to establish more mines.
  2. ooc what means the (5 posts)?
  3. a post is this. this is a post. I am a post. Posts have become a unit of post-y measurement. postypostpostpost
    CoDe4RiDeR likes this.
  4. It means after 5 posts research is done. And on second consideration, im changing it to ten posts.
  5. *brainfreeze* please explain agian? :p
  6. ok lol saw youre post later
  7. Hollandia starts researching a beter engine that uses less fuel.
    ''it is better for the enviroment'' said the leading sientist.
    (7 posts)
  8. Research has finished on the missile that was floating around our planet, it turns out it was made deep inside Hollandia. Sending over a piece of the missile to Hollandia so the scientists there can investigate further.
  9. scientist have recieved the missle and started analizing it, not so long after they started they found out if was a missle of our early comunity. it is now in a museum dedicatied to our history
  10. Grace prepares to recreate an energy ball based off the one Delorian owns. It is made up of mostly star dust and an electric plasma found in Nebulas. It will take 3 turns to collect the materials and 2 to create.
  11. An engine from the old ship has been collected, all parts will have been collected and analyzed soon. (1 Post)
    Aso we have started to notice our ships disappear when they head north from our base, will investigate soon. (2 Posts)
  12. My planet activates the Nuke and explodes.
  13. A missile silo is discovered, full, on Q73F-3JS9.
    Q73F-3JS9 has declared Froglandia as a public enemy, and they will be fired upon given any threat.
  14. lol what have I done.
    Froglandia develops tons of training camps and has 500 battle ships in dock at the planet. Any threats will start a war.
  15. Fishletse sends ships up to the broken planet to see if scraps of useful materials can be found.
    On other notes all pieces of the broken ship have been collected and analyzed and it has been found out that it came from an old planet named Cinbirian. This planet was last seen around the location of Oaklet (one of our moons).
  16. There is nothing left of that planet.
    It was annihilated in the last great planet war.
    A painting: image.jpg
    brickstrike likes this.
  17. We have re created the beam from the beam that was turning Darkelo's people in to light particles... But this one will turn beings in to darkness particles, it will be a defense and offense for Darksion.
    In other news, we have created a mini town on Gemini and up to 10 people can have farms on there
  18. A small source of adminium is found in our mines.
  19. Our moon was formed seconds after the planet was annihilated so shrapnel may be in the middle.
    On other note I send a drone with a camera on to investigate the disappearances.
  20. After much wait, Grace has completed the map of the Cyrus System.
    As you can see there are 6 planets, one of which is a Gas Giant (Shadow) that has two rings near it's poles. Hecate will be the magic study of our system, and it's moon a depot for ships. Planet X is... still quite a mystery. It's proposed to be a traveling planet, or a resource planet similar to Terra. At any rate, all of these belong to Grace.

    In other news, Grace has finished gathering materials for the energy ball and will create it net turn.