[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Grace sends out drones to a nearby solar system that is uninhabited. If possible this will be a trading depot for all planets.
  2. A disarmed missile was found floating around our planet, tests have begun to see where it came from. (3 Posts)
    Also the large object that was headed towards Hollandia turned out to be an old ship, parts are being retrieved. (All parts 5 posts)
  3. Hollandia is very curios in the old ship and asks if Hollandia could help with the research of the old ship
  4. Froglandia spots a giant object a weird ball going 750 miles per hour hurling at Froglandia. Froglandia does not have any thing to stop it with and only has 5 minutes before the impact kills everything on Froglanida
  5. Request accepted, about 4 parts are floating around your planet, you can help us research them.
    Also we send a temporary shield to protect Froglandia, only use when the object is about 10 seconds from hittiing
  6. Hollandia sends 50 ships to fire at the weird ball to let it curve of Froglandia and safe its citysens
    ''whe only did this because of the inocent frogs that were endagert''
  7. Grace cannot jump that quickly to froglandia but thinks it is an asteroid. Make it 'bounce off the surface using the weird metal.
  8. Hollandia sends out 10 ships to retreive the old ship parts, in 5 ships are seintists.
    While retreiving the old parts 2 ships where disabled by a weird part of the old ship, the part has been retreived
  9. Froglandia thanks the other planets and deploys the shield just as the object hits Froglandia. It breaks though the shield but lands of a giant sheet of the metal that was going to be used to create a spear. The Object hits the metal and then bounces off it into the distance somewhere. Froglandia discovers that the metal can bounce anything from it hurling back and starts to use it to make a shield around the planet.
  10. We send over ships to collect the other parts, we bring them to your planet with a group of Fishletse scientists.
    In other news we are upgrading the shields so that they can withstand the force of a big ball.
  11. Hollandia found out what disabled the ships, a early close encounter enemy takout EMP, the sientist have started to develop a beter and upgraded one to intergrate with our ships and to protect our ships from any kind of EMP atack
  12. The drones search the solar system to find two planets, which one is habitable. Preparations are made to make this a colony trade planet of Grace. The planet shall be named Cole. We ask for help building, as it is for everyone. In other news, Grace considers constructing another moon to act as a supply station for faraway projects.
  13. ShinyWilken fires its dark matter missile at froglandia.
  14. Froglandia's shields make the missile bounce off and hit ShinyWilken
  15. Thats not possible?
  16. Hollandia desides to get a big mine running on there home planet, so it has minerals and ores to trade, while mining they found a strange thing in the ground, the area is under complete lockdown while seintist search the area
  17. Grace finishes colonize Angel and facilities are created. Cole will be populated and colonized in 8 turns and will be open for trade in 10.

    Application for recignition as an independent planet:

    Planet name: Syverian republic.
    Planet orientation: Robotics/technology
    Planet relationship: neutral
    Planet number: #58
    Other: The planet has an unusually hard crust, but plants are able to thrive in the caverns below the crust, where most of the military is positioned. Also, the military has ground based high powered railguns, that have the ability to hit targets in high orbit, although the target has to be in line of sight.
  19. The colony of ShinyWilken get into their anti-darkmatter fallout sheltewr and live.
  20. it was, the ore he got from the flower was powerfull enough to bounce back a giant meteor, so a small missle should be ease (just saying, jsut explaining)