[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Dark Matter is alright, but remember, it's not ANTI-MATTER.
  2. Hmm... Seems a little overpowered to me, but then again, it is only a gun, so I say ok.
  3. Lorien's base shield is back up and can now stop bigger drones entering
  4. :O sounds like something from doctor who ;)
  5. No duh...
  6. Gallifrey is attacked with dark matter gun equipped on drones.
  7. Planet Name: Chas
    Planet Orientation: Robomutants
    Planet Relationship: Hostile
    Planet Number: #69
    Other Notes: Robomutants like to play with legos in their free time and destroying asteroids with plasma guns. They use a rare weapon called Pewyatatataboom
  8. Which one?
  9. Planet sends Chas an ally request. Wishes to play together with Legos. Legos are awesome. Legos. Wishes to obtain Pewyatatataboom. (I think I spelled that right)
  10. What do you mean?
  11. There is to of those dude remember mine.
  12. Aperture is back on the grid...many injuries have been repaired ever since.
  13. Gallifrey x-7 dajakoes planet is attacked.
  14. A new thing is made! The powerful multi-use companion cube!It's near invincible(Not THAT strong)!

  15. The Citidel Sends ally request to Chas. The Citidel Evacuates all on Citidel-Z And Citidel-R, then destroys the 2nd dimention.
  16. Woah Princebee....gettin intense. Multi use companion cube is attacked with 5 dark matter bombs.
  17. Lorien now starts to populate on a close by planet. Its science name is L-541 but has been named as Mongor. It has lots of resources but trees do not grow, there is oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere, so life can live there but Lorien have setup Oxy Tanks.
  18. Sends medical drones in case of emergency to Mongor
  19. Lorien thanks *what planet you are* and lets them use some of Mongor for mining
  20. Sends fast mining drones to mine for resources. Hot air balloons are sent for a show.
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