[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Doesn't take kindly. 5 atomic bombs are dropped on aperture due to the fact that our planet was attacked by nerve toxin and neurotoxin.
  2. Start studying firebombs and a permanent fire launcher.Spies drop off a partially finished GLaDOS on Q73F-3JS9. GLaDOS finishes rebuilding herself and starts to wreck havoc on Q73F-3JS9.Many turrets are stationed near GLaDOS to defend her.Nuclear bomb traps are left to defend GLaDOS. NOTE: GLaDOS will self destruct ALL pieces of herself is she feels too threatened.
  3. Cryptum declares war on Q73F-3JS9 to aid Aperture. Cryptum sends 50 platoons of soldiers and a mobile particle cannon to Q73F-3JS9.
  4. Due to the fact that my planet is robotic, GLADOS does nothing as of now. Atomic bombs are dropped to destroy GLADOS and the nuclear bombs protecting her. GLADOS is destroyed. 25 platoons of drones are deployed with newly developed weapons. Plasma swords and plasma blasters. Soldier platoons destroyed. Cryptum is no longer an ally. Counter-attack is launched against particle cannon. Emp blast disables it and it is taken and wired to fight for us. Nice try. You DO NOT mess with my planet.
  5. i do not think we were ever allies.

    Edit: I call of any attack and request a cease fire, but if you do not accept, you will face the wrath of the Halo.
  6. Cryptum finishes a new series of sniper rifles that shoot two powerful energy beams with one shot. Also, a new series of assault rifles come out that are very quiet.

    Begins construction of unhackable particle cannon defense grid.
  7. Riften accepts Grenge's ally request and sends the bombs back as it is a great danger to have on this planet.

    Also why doesnt this show up in alerts? it is watched
  8. GallifreyX7 attacks Cryptum with the new Stealth TARDIS. The GallifreyX7 forces attack from the sky with newly created Temporal Bombs. The bombs release small vortexes that horribly damage the landscape of Cryptum and release small virus that sickens the population of Cryptum and cause some of them to die. The Timelord forces steal the new sniper rifles and escape with some injuries and 17 deaths out of the 55 soldiers deployed.
  9. Cryptum decides that now is the time to unleash the Halo, and directs it at Gallifrey. Destroys 1/6 of the planets surface and Wipes out 1/8 of its organic population.

    Stealth teams are sent to the remaining major cities and scope them out for future attacks. These stealth teams Sabotage some of the TARDISes.

    Cryptum calls for ally support.

    Cryptum begins repairing landscape.
  10. Particle defense grid completed
  11. Sends help to cryptum. Peace request is accepted. Be careful with those particle cannons.... Could still be hacked. Nothing is ever unhackable.
  12. Yes, by you. Your robotic.
  13. Kadajoke is gonna be angry man.
  14. Kepler votes in favor of assisting grenge in its defense and sends 1k of our finest drones equipped with high power laser rifles capable of penetrating almost any metal.
  15. Lorien just repeats:

    Please dont send any craft into any space near Lorien, any small craft that tries to enter us will get destroyed by our Base Shield and and large craft will alert us instantly
  16. 20 platoons of advanced drones equipped with plasma swords and plasma guns attack Kepler.
  17. What was that for? says kepler as they were assisting grenge
  18. -Sets up reflective shield around planet to protect while we repair-
  19. I was attacking Grenge, therefore you were attacking me. Forces are pulled back.
  20. Cryptum asks Gallefrey if we are still at war, and requests peace.

    Cryptum asks Keplar if it needs support.